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Woman who’s been celibate for seven years says there’s only one thing that would make her break sex ban

Woman who’s been celibate for seven years says there’s only one thing that would make her break sex ban

Alexis Turner claims that the unique lifestyle is 'profound'

A woman who has been celibate for seven years has opened up about the benefits of the lifestyle, admitting only one thing would cause her to break it.

Alexis Turner made what some would perceive as a wise idea - to ditch men when she was 25.

Now 32, she believes only one thing would encourage her to break her long standing sex ban.

She claimed that before the decision she had tried dating men using apps to find her happily ever after, but never felt completely satisfied.

Talking to What's the Jam, she said: "Despite the effort I put into online dating, I found that the connections I was looking for didn’t always materialise, and this contributed to my decision to embrace celibacy.”

The sex ban includes exactly what you might think, but also dating and self-pleasure.

Alexis said online dating wasn't for her. (Jam Press)
Alexis said online dating wasn't for her. (Jam Press)

Despite feeling happy and free with her choices, Alexis often gets an unhelpful barrage of hate from others who don't understand.

She said: I’ve heard comments like, ‘You must be missing out on a lot’, which can feel dismissive of my personal choice and experience.

“Sometimes, I get asked ‘Is something wrong with you?’ which makes me feel like my celibacy is seen as a problem or something that needs fixing.

“Hearing people say that celibacy is ‘unnatural’ can be hurtful, as it suggests my choice is somehow wrong or out of the ordinary, dismissing my values or beliefs."

"My focus is more on other aspects of life," she added.

And while she's keen to keep going with her lifestyle, Alexis did admit there is one thing that could tempt her to break it.

Now there's only one thing that could cause her to break her celibacy. (Jam Press)
Now there's only one thing that could cause her to break her celibacy. (Jam Press)

She said: "Currently, I have no plans to break my celibacy pact unless I find myself in a committed relationship that leads to marriage.

“There hasn't been any downside since becoming celibate.

“It has been more profound if anything.”

Explaining why Alexis chose to go celibate in the first place, she added: "It’s been a way to avoid the potential pitfalls and emotional turbulence that can come with intimate relationships.

“By maintaining this path, I've found a unique perspective on what I truly need and want from my connections with others.

“Celibacy has allowed me to explore my beliefs and values more thoroughly."

But this isn't the only huge decision she made early in life.

Having previously had a hysterectomy, she also doesn’t want children of her own.

"The hysterectomy means that I’m physically unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy, which aligns with my choice to focus on other aspects of life and personal growth," she said.

Featured Image Credit: Jam Press

Topics: Sex and Relationships