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People Are Calling These The Worst Bridesmaid Dresses Ever

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People Are Calling These The Worst Bridesmaid Dresses Ever

The woman says she can't believe her bridesmaids agreed to wear them.

Lucy Devine

Lucy Devine

A woman has taken to TikTok to share throwback photos of the handmade bridesmaids' dresses from her wedding, explaining she 'cannot believe' her friends agreed to wear them.

Samantha - known as @samanthavanmeter08 on TikTok - shared a photo of one of the dresses, writing: "That time I made my bridesmaid dresses and legit made these girls wear these in my wedding!"

She also mimes over audio saying: "It is so bad, I want to give you a zero, but that's not possible so I give you a one."

You can see the dresses below:

They are certainly unique, with a pink and orange tulle skirt and what appears to be flip flops for footwear.

And other users were shook, with one person wrote: "Respectfully this was worse than I expected."

While another person said: "I hope you wrote them all an apology letter."

And a third added: "Is that the tulle you buy at a craft store 😂😂 I’ve made tutus out of that, it starts losing its shape so quickly."

The woman shared the throwback photos (

While a fourth said: "Ma’am you’ve got some good friends there."

And a fifth added: "That was somehow wayyy worse than what I imagined."

"But do you even like your friends??" Asked another, meanwhile others begged to see the rest of the wedding photos and many agreed that Samantha has some seriously good friends!

In other wedding news, we told you about the bride who demanded a divorce just one day after the wedding.

She explained before the wedding that she had only one "hard-and-fast rule", and when he broke it, she had no intention of sticking around.

Is this bride overeacting? (

Writing in to Slate's Dear Prudence advice column, the anonymous bride explained that she had never been too fussed about tying the knot, but when her boyfriend proposed, they decided to give it a shot.

She said: "My only hard-and-fast rule was that he would not rub cake in my face at the reception.

"Being a reasonable man who knows me well, he didn’t. Instead, he grabbed me by the back of the head and shoved my head down into it. It was planned since the cake was DESTROYED, and he had a bunch of cupcakes as backup."

Oh dear. You can read more on that here.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock

Topics: Life, Wedding, Fashion

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