A woman has vowed to only use plastic cutlery in restaurants after witnessing a sight which shocked her to her core.
The topic of how many privileges to allow our dogs is fraught with controversy. Sofa or no sofa, is crate training okay or not and, of course, what is the deal with dinner time.
While sneaking the dog a slither of chicken during Sunday lunch probably isn't going to derail any training regimens, there are of course always some people who take things a little further.
That was certainly the case for one pampered pooch, who in addition to being pushed around in a pram was also being fed scraps from it's owner's restaurant dinner.
And, to the horror of another diner, it was eating its scraps off the same fork the owner was using.

No matter how much you love dogs, surely there's a limit. Anyone who knows anything about dogs will know that while they are the most adorable and loving pets you can have, they can be truly gross at times... No shade to dogs, it's just the truth.
So it's understandable that the fellow diner was horrified by the site, who captioned their viral TikTok video: "This is why you ask for plastic silverware".
While sharing your fork with your dog is pretty gross, surely that's not exactly eco friendly.
And it's good to remember restaurants do have these things called industrial dishwashers, which are really rather good at scalding every trace of grime and bacteria from their plates and cutlery.

Nonetheless, given the comments from the viewers of the video, it seems as if the comfort of dishwashers has gone right out the window with this one.
One viewer said: "Not even plastic, I have a portable utensil kit I bought off Amazon so I bring my own silverware wherever I go."
Another replied: "My mouth dropped when she put it in her mouth," while a third said: "The fact she ate it right after I said 'she better not eat that'."
Another pointed out that people's mouths can also be gross, writing: "People act like they not using the same forks as everyone else at a restaurant."
At the end of the day, it's up to us what we're comfortable putting in our mouths!
Topics: Dog, Food and Drink, TikTok