Catching onto the ever-increasing fascination with life after death in 21st century society, one mortuary technician has spilt the tea on what really happens to a person's organs once they've popped their clogs.
And let's just say - the answer is most certainly not for the fainthearted...

An extreme fear of death and all things morbid is commonly known as 'necrophobia'.
Not to be confused with 'necrophilia' - totally different and absolutely illegal kettle of fish.
A rise in admissions about extreme thoughts on death - whether in a religious way, or a physical way - could come from a number of different factors, such as a surge in poor mental health, a broader appreciation for life, or a wider spread of existential isolation caused by an even lonelier society.
Aware of the world's eerily strong fascination with the macabre, however - and hoping to give the people what they want - a mortuary technician named Hayleigh seemingly saw a gap in the market.
As such, she recently became inspired to set up a social media account solely dedicated to giving insights into the process of dying, having since been invited to appear as a guest on several popular podcasts.
And this week - whilst featuring on the Four Nine podcast - she's focussing on the organs.
"During a postmortem examination, people seem to think that your organs are put back where nature intended," she began explaining in a newly uploaded clip, before quickly revealing: "They're not."
It was then that Hayleigh revealed the chilling truth of the matter, explaining that part of her daily duties are preparing bodies to be embalming, buried or cremated.
In order to do so properly, she says that all organs are removed before being moved to an area different from it's original location.
"They’re all put in a clinical bag back inside your torso, and your chest cavity and your stomach/abdomen, and you’re sutured back up," she continued.
"So your brain’s not in your head."
Delving into why this might be the case, she explained that, once an organ has been carefully cut away, it's almost impossible to put back.
The alarming revelation came as a shock to the podcasts' hosts, one of whom exclaimed: "Oh my god. [That] really freaked me out a bit - just thrown in like a goody bag."

Listeners were equally as horrified, with one confessing: "I absolutely wish I didn’t know that."
Another jibed: "Seems I’ve taken a terribly wrong turn somewhere along my TikTok journey".
"Whoever digs us up in 3,000 years are gonna question everything," a third added.