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Diagnosed narcissist who brutally admits they’re a ‘piece of sh*t’ says there's only one person they care about

Diagnosed narcissist who brutally admits they’re a ‘piece of sh*t’ says there's only one person they care about

They took to Reddit to answer people's questions about their personality disorder

A diagnosed narcissist, who brutally admitted they’re a 'piece of sh*t', has revealed there's only one person they care about.

Now, someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) may exhibit traits such as grandiosity, exploitation, entitlement, arrogance and antagonism.

According to the BBC, it's estimated around one in 20 people in the UK alone have NPD but the number of undiagnosed cases could be a lot higher.

People seem to have a major fascination with narcissists (Monika Halinowska/Getty Images)
People seem to have a major fascination with narcissists (Monika Halinowska/Getty Images)

Many people are fascinated by the personality disorder and have questions surrounding what the condition is actually like and how it impacts people diagnosed with it in day-to-day life.

Given the undeniable interest in the subject, one narcissist took to the 'Ask Me Anything' (AMA) thread on Reddit, to let followers know they would be happy to answer any queries people had.

They explained: "I have NPD and fit most of the stereotypes

"Other than the fact that I have a large social circle and I don't throw tantrums when I get angry."

One in 20 people in the UK reportedly have narcissistic personality disorder (Jacques Julien / Getty Images)
One in 20 people in the UK reportedly have narcissistic personality disorder (Jacques Julien / Getty Images)

Admitting they cheat, steal, lie, abuse and do 'everything to get ahead', the Redditor continued: "Most narcissists on here are very obviously hiding the worst parts of themselves, and it's annoying me, so I decided not to, or at least I'll try not too.

"I am a piece of sh*t, ask me anything?"

They added: "I'm not sure if this is even that interesting, but I figured that a lot of people have been traumatised by people like me so maybe I can provide some insight into why we think this way."

Now, as expected, they received hundreds of questions - namely asking about personal relationships.

"I don't care about having a long-term relationship, and I don't care about anyone other than my niece," the Redditor revealed in one answer.

"I have had long-term relationships but I know they aren't 'real' relationships, I lie about everything in them, down to the music I like, I want to be loved, but I'm not attached to who loves me."

Narcissistic traits include exploitation, entitlement, arrogance and antagonism (Alvarog1970 / Getty Images)
Narcissistic traits include exploitation, entitlement, arrogance and antagonism (Alvarog1970 / Getty Images)

Another user then asked: "Do you do these things to your niece? What makes her so different to every one else in your family and friend group?"

"Of course not, I love her, she's also 11 right now, and I'd never do this stuff to someone who is a kid anyways," they responded, noting that they also 'don't do this stuff to everyone' - unless it 'benefits' them.

"I don't want to see people I like get hurt for no reason," they continued. "I help a lot of them surprisingly.

"I only hang out with people who are below me mentally and emotional because I like feeling superior in that way, so it's easy to help them, you just point out the obvious and watch them thank you for saying a very simple solution."

Opening up about their niece some more, the Redditor explained: "This is going to sound really bad, but she has Down's syndrome, she's just such the opposite of who I am.

"She's so caring and won't ever manipulate anyone, she's always positive, never has anything to complain about, and on top of that she thinks I'm the best person ever, she's just a joy to be around and I genuinely love her."

With all that said, however, the diagnosed narcissist revealed: "I don't have empathy for my niece though, or animals."

"It doesn't mean I don't want to keep them safe or protect them though," they went on.

"I still have the instinct to want to protect them and keep them safe, but it's not like I'm going to think anything other than 'how can I get them to shut the hell up' if I hear them crying."

If you're experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support you. They're open from 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a webchat service if you're not comfortable talking on the phone.

Featured Image Credit: Monika Halinowska/Getty Images/PhotoAlto/Ezequiel Sambresqui/Getty Images

Topics: Mental Health, Reddit, True Life, Real Life