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'Mouth breathers' issued urgent warning of serious health risks linked to common habit

'Mouth breathers' issued urgent warning of serious health risks linked to common habit

Being a 'mouth breather' could unknowingly be contributing to a range of health problems

'Mouth breathers' have been warned by health experts that the habit could be causing 'long-term' problems, especially if it starts as a child.

There's no worse feeling than waking up with a mouth that feels as dry as the Sahara Desert.

Sometimes we can't help it - we're approaching peak cold and flu season, meaning our noses aren't always the most efficient way to take in oxygen.

But for others, mouth breathing happens all year round, and is a habit that usually begins as a child.

On the surface level, it wouldn't appear that there's really any difference between nose breathing and mouth breathing - we have the two systems for a reason, right?!

As we approach cold and flu season, mouth breathing is more prominent than ever. (Getty stock images)
As we approach cold and flu season, mouth breathing is more prominent than ever. (Getty stock images)

But health experts have actually warned that mouth breathing poses certain risks that can be avoided by breathing through your nose - particularly while you're asleep.

Mouth breathing could be the reason why you wake up gasping for a glass of water or consistently find drool on your pillow, but it could also point to something much more serious.

Experts have warned that only breathing through your mouth can actually change the structure of your face.

If a child has had the habit from a very young age, it can create a more narrowed face with a receding chin or jaw.

Not only this, but mouth breathers are also more likely to develop sleep apnea and dental problems.

But what can be done to rectify the habit?

Parents are being advised to check their children's sleep habits to look out for the habit developing. (Getty stock images)
Parents are being advised to check their children's sleep habits to look out for the habit developing. (Getty stock images)

It's not all bad news for mouth breathers, as there are ways to transition away from the dark side towards becoming a nose breather.

You may have seen the 'mouth-taping' trend on TikTok, which isn't official advice, and comes with its own risks.

People have claimed that by taping your mouth at night, it forces you to breathe though your nose and reverses any structural face changes.

However, for people with swollen adenoids in their nose that prevent them from using it to breathe, surgeons can perform an adenoidectomy.

This is an operation which removes infected or swollen adenoids to open up a child's airways.

They can also undergo a septoplasty, which repairs a deviated septum that causes breathing problems.

Parents have been advised to check their children's sleeping habits and encourage them to be nose breathers.

Restless sleepers and snorers could be an indication that they are developing the unwanted habit.

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: TikTok, Health, Sleep, Advice