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Teacher with cancer announces own death in heartbreaking post

Teacher with cancer announces own death in heartbreaking post

She made the tragic announcement on social media

A teacher with incurable secondary breast cancer has announced her own death in a heartbreaking message on social media.

Kate Rackham, a teacher and mother of two from Manchester, UK, penned the tweet before her death on her Twitter/X account, where she regularly shared her cancer journey and health updates to 14,700 followers.

In the post on Twitter/X and shared under the account titled 'Teacher with cancer', Kate wrote: "If you’re reading this, it means I have died.

"But do not cry for me. I have lived my life on my own terms, the way I have wanted to. I joined X because I needed an outlet, what I got was so much more.

"You made me feel validated in my feelings and much less alone. Thank you."

Kate Rackham has passed away from incurable secondary breast cancer. (X/@kate_rackham)
Kate Rackham has passed away from incurable secondary breast cancer. (X/@kate_rackham)

The message has had a flood of replies from those wanting to send well wishes to Kate's family and to say thank you for her campaigning.

One person wrote: "Thank you for sharing your journey with us to the end and beyond. Thank you for touching our lives you beautiful Angel."

As another added: "When my time comes, I can but hope I display the dignity and strength of character you did. Much love and condolences to your family and friends."

"This made me stop today and turn off the noise. Such dignity. Sending love to your family and friends x," said a third.

And another shared: "Sad, sad news this. Yes Kate - you dictated the terms not that horrific disease. I hope your family can take comfort in this difficult time and accept my condolences. Your journey was inspirational."

Kate was also a co-founder and trustee of the Fighting to be Heard Foundation, which is a volunteer led organisation that is "fighting to raise awareness and offering financial support and friendship for those living with incurable secondary breast cancer."

Kate's profile reads: "Diagnosed aged 39 with oestrogen-receptive breast cancer. I had no risk factors. My aim is to raise awareness in a bid that no one else goes through what we are all going through.

"And if they are, that there is a strong network of support to help."

Kate leaves behind husband Mark and their two daughters. (X/@kate_rackham)
Kate leaves behind husband Mark and their two daughters. (X/@kate_rackham)

In her second to last post on X, Kate revealed she was returning home as she wrote: "Thank you so much for your lovely messages. Quick update…

"Firstly, I'm sorry for the lack of communication on here recently. The last week or so has been surreal and overwhelming.

"Hospital stays, illness, procedures, uncertainty, and then hearing the words 'There is nothing more we can do'. I needed a bit of time.

"I'm now home, where I want to be. With Mark and the girls. Surrounded by love, family and friends. Everyone is rallying around and I have so much support. Despite everything, I feel blessed."

Kate leaves behind husband Mark and their two daughters Ruby and Nancy.

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues and want to speak to someone in confidence, contact Macmillan’s Cancer Support Line on 0808 808 00 00, 8am–8pm seven days a week.

Featured Image Credit: X/@kate_rackham

Topics: Health, Cancer, UK News