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Champion diver ignores ‘no women’ sign on extreme slide and instantly regrets it

Champion diver ignores ‘no women’ sign on extreme slide and instantly regrets it

There's a good reason why the water slide is banned for women

A champion diver decided to ignore the 'no women' sign on a water slide as she's 'here for a good time not a long time', but soon realised there was an important reason for the warning.

It’s not unusual for theme parks and water parks to have restrictions on certain slides, such as height and weight.

But the popular Area 47 adventure park in Austria has angered an army of women after one of its slides has a sign warning that no women should attempt to go down.

So, Rhiannan Iffland decided to find out what women were missing out on while visiting the terrifying attraction - which boasts speeds of up to 50 mph - with a friend, and decided to share the daring footage of her trying out the water slide on social media.

But minutes later, it was made ultra clear to her why women shouldn’t use the slide.

The diver was curious to see why the slide was not for women. (Instagram/@rhiannan_iffland)
The diver was curious to see why the slide was not for women. (Instagram/@rhiannan_iffland)

Despite being a seven-time world champion cliff diver who is more than used to daunting heights, she knew she had f***ed up big time.

Moments after the 32-year-old disappeared down the male-only contraption, she let out a piercing scream.

Sharing the video on Instagram, she wrote: “Here for a good time not a long time!

“Another YOLO moment.”

People went wild on social media, implying that the park’s decision to have a male-only slide was pretty sexist.

And while we can see why it appears that way - there’s actually a real reason behind why females are advised not to use it.

She found out the hard way (Instagram/@rhiannan_iffland)
She found out the hard way (Instagram/@rhiannan_iffland)

In recent years, there have been reports of women having their insides 'ripped apart' by high-speed water slides.

According to the National Library of Medicine in the US, women can sustain horrific injuries if high pressure water enters their body, while there is also a risk of infections due to the foreign bodies found in the water.

Realising her mistake, Iffland told "It was never my intent to mock the safety regulations of this water slide.

“A person’s safety is paramount and I am constantly weighing up any danger with my job.

"To suggest otherwise, is wrong.”

Some female users on social media had experienced the complications that come with high pressure water slides.

One said: “Unfortunately I got a water slide enema.

“Peed out half the swimming pool in the toilet from my behind.

“I literally couldn’t stand upright after it happened.

“Weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced.”

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@rhiannan_iffland

Topics: Social Media, True Life, Health