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Woman who was 'out of her body' for 6 minutes reveals surprising list of people she saw on the 'other side'

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Woman who was 'out of her body' for 6 minutes reveals surprising list of people she saw on the 'other side'

Amber Cavanagh opened up about her out of body experience after suffering two strokes in December 2021

A woman who was 'very near death' has revealed the surprising list of people she saw on the 'other side', before finally reconnecting with her body once again.

Amber Cavanagh, a psychic medium who hails from Canada, claimed that she saw her husband 'weeping' over her dying body after having two strokes at the age of 40 in December 2021.

Speaking exclusively to Tyla, Amber, 44, opened up about her experience of being out of her body for what felt like '50 years' and what her visit to the 'meeting place' between heaven and earth was like.

After confirming Amber had suffered two strokes in the night, doctors asked her family to 'come and say goodbye' as they said she was 'more than likely' not going to survive the helicopter flight to a nearby hospital where she needed to go in order to get emergency brain surgery.

Canadian woman, Amber Cavanagh, opened up about what she saw on the 'other side' after suffering two strokes in 2021 (Andrew Holt / Getty Images)
Canadian woman, Amber Cavanagh, opened up about what she saw on the 'other side' after suffering two strokes in 2021 (Andrew Holt / Getty Images)

"I was very, very near death, and even my kids had to come and say goodbye," she continued, "It's like you're trapped. I could understand everything everyone was saying, but I couldn't speak."

Amber carried on: "I thought I was speaking like my brain was telling me I was saying words, but I wasn't."

While in the helicopter, she recalled taking one last glimpse at the sun before shutting her eyes.

Upon opening them back up again, Amber recalled being in a completely different dimension, having crossed to the 'other side'.

"When the sun hit my face and I closed my eyes and I opened them, I was on the other side," she told Tyla. "I didn't have to go through a tunnel of light. Nobody had to call me there."

Amber recalled what it was like crossing over to the 'other side' (Supplied)
Amber recalled what it was like crossing over to the 'other side' (Supplied)

She remembered opening her eyes to be standing in a 'beautiful garden' wearing a 'really pretty white dress', adding: "I was barefoot, my feet were on the grass. And I don't know how else to explain that, other than, like, it's sort of infinite love and complete understanding."

She continued: "The question 'why' and any of the 'who, what, when, where, how' don't exist there. So, the second I was there, I understood everything.

"I went from this dying body, I was so scared when I was going through all the stuff at the hospital, when I was in anaphylactic shock. I was crying a lot. I kept trying to grab people. I was blind in my right eye. So I was super confused and I was more frightened than I've ever been.

"That part was scary. The transitioning and waking up on the other side? There was nothing but love, understanding, and I knew, without even saying a word, why I was there."

Looking around this place, Amber saw a 'gazebo' where her 'guides' were all gathered.

Amber Cavanagh suffered two strokes at the age of 40 in December 2021 (Supplied)
Amber Cavanagh suffered two strokes at the age of 40 in December 2021 (Supplied)

And, to the left, she also saw a 'group of her loved ones', telling Tyla: "So some of my grandparents, my mother-in-law, some friends of mine and then, strangely, my husband and my kids were there as well, which doesn't make sense because they were definitely all alive!

"But we are in both places, so we are here, but we're always there, because, as I sort of understood, I was there to make the decision of whether or not I wanted to come back."

"And then to the right was a huge group of people," she continued, before explaining who exactly these people were.

"I knew they were all my other lives, and I was all genders, all races, all time, dimensions," Amber told Tyla, noting there were people in the group 'who looked like they lived in the 1700s' and people 'who looked like they lived in the future'.

Amber said that there was 'one thing' which everyone who was there shared in common - that you didn't need 'physical words' or actions to communicate with them.

"So I didn't go up to my family and hug them or anything like that because you didn't need to. Because everything you thought, they could understand and everything they thought - I could understand," she added.

Amber revealed who she saw in this 'meeting place' (Supplied)
Amber revealed who she saw in this 'meeting place' (Supplied)

Amber carried on: "There was nothing but love, understanding, and I knew, without even saying a word, why I was there."

And that was all make a very important choice that would go on to change her and her family's lives forever.

Her 'guides' gave her a difficult decision to make: "They said, if you do choose to go back, the next six months will be the hardest time you have ever existed in this life. You will regret your choice and you will want to come back here."

Not only would the six months be seriously 'bad', Amber was told but she was also warned: "The first 18 months will be the worst 18 months of your life."

If she stayed in this realm, her family would suffer and be forced to suffer with the monumental grief following her death.

However, if she returned to her physical body, she would face a seriously difficult recovery and potentially regret the decision but was told by her guides that even though the first year and a half would be 'really, really hard', she'd be able to tell her story to 'give hope to people'.

"They said there will still be struggles if you come back, but the good will outweigh the bad," Amber recalled.

Despite the warning, however, something in Amber knew it wasn't her time yet as she closed her eyes and, suddenly, she was back in her own body again.

"I finally made the decision that I want to come back. And as just as quick as I went there," she said, speaking of this beautiful 'meeting place', "I wasn't there."

Over the next few weeks, she stayed in hospital with doctors certain she'd need to be in care for the rest of her life.

Miraculously, however, she was talking and moving within hours, noting: "The doctors had no idea.

"When you open my chart, the first note from the neurologist there is that I'm his 'miracle patient', because he'd been a neurosurgeon for 25 years, and he had never seen somebody like me get better."

And as for ever getting back to this paradisiacal 'meeting place' when it is ultimately her time to go? Well, Amber's far from worried.

"Not at all," she told Tyla when asked if she feared being able to 'get back'. "I don't have any fear of that because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it's there for us - for all of us - whether you're a good person, a bad person, however we deem to judge people.

"I have a fear of another stroke, seizures, I have a fear of having to live through horrible things," she continued.

"I don't have a fear of going back to the other side. I don't have a fear of the process of death. I don't fear the 'what if' or 'maybe I'm not good enough' or 'maybe that was my brain tricking me' or something like that.

"I don't have any fear of that at all."

Amber Cavanagh's book, At the Stroke of Eternity: One Woman’s Remarkable Near-Death Experience and the Divine Messages Received, is currently available to buy on Amazon.

Featured Image Credit: Supplied

Topics: Health, Life, Real Life, True Life, World News, Tyla Exclusive