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Woman who hasn’t lived in the UK for 15 years shocked after realising what’s changed

Woman who hasn’t lived in the UK for 15 years shocked after realising what’s changed

The woman said she is 'reluctantly' coming back the live in the UK

A woman who is returning to the UK after 15 years has asked what to expect, and between public transport, Freddo's (the easiest way for some people to understand inflation) and supermarket club cards - it seems as though just about everything has changed.

It's sometimes difficult to see such wild changes in a place where you have lived all your life.

But after going away for over a decade and coming back, it would be pretty clear what's improved and what has gone down the pan.

One woman, who had been living in Scandinavia for work, is returning to the UK after being abroad for 15 years.

Returning back to the UK after 15 years could be quite a shocking revelation. (Getty stock images)
Returning back to the UK after 15 years could be quite a shocking revelation. (Getty stock images)

She took to Reddit to ask what to expect, and what her 'day-to-day' would look like now.

And quite frankly, the responses were in true Brit-style, very 'doom and gloom'.

Loyalty cards in supermarkets

I can remember a time when having a loyalty card might have saved you a few pence on whatever product you were buying.

Or the sole aim was to collect a ridiculous amount of points that miserably added up to a pound.

But those days are of a bygone era, as having a supermarket loyalty card can save you the big bucks!

One user said: "You now need a special card to shop at the supermarket otherwise everything is 30-50% more expensive for no reason."

I see no lie.

The woman replied: "Really? I always had a Club Card but I honestly don't remember it being a significant benefit back then."

The cost of living crisis has affected millions of Brits. (Getty stock images)
The cost of living crisis has affected millions of Brits. (Getty stock images)

Public services

If you're thinking about catching a train literally anywhere in the UK, any time soon, you might want to re-think your mode of transport.

One user warned: "Lower your expectations on everything."

"The UK is still better than most countries but it is not as good as it was in 2010. "Public services are worse, everything is more expensive, wages have stagnated, and people are much more apathetic/rude etc."

Another person noted that 'not much works anymore', and it's certainly starting to feel that way sometimes.

The price of the Freddo

It seems as though we have one measurement for inflation in the UK, and no it's not Consumer Price Index, it's the price of a bloody Freddo!

The woman asked: "What is with the Freddo obsession?"

Well, let us fill you in...

The little chocolate frogs used to cost 10p in 2000, fast-forward to now where you're looking at around the 50p mark.


Medical struggles

One of the reasons the woman has chosen to move back to the UK is to look after her ageing parents.

One person in a similar situation, shared their outlook as a carer.

"Also a carer for elderly parents," they said.

"Expect everything to be much more difficult than you’d expect in regards to caring for them.

"From doctors appointments, prescriptions, 111, adult social services...everything."

The woman responded: "That's definitely a concern, they're able to do most of those things themselves still but I know it's not always going to be that way."


One user noted that there was a larger amount of litter than ever before in the UK.

They said: "It’s filthy.

"I had a friend who lived here in 2001.

"She came back to visit a few months ago and was shocked by the amount of litter."

It seems that all we have to hold onto is fish and chips, and a good brew!

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: Food and Drink, UK News, Money, Advice, Reddit