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Warning signs for rare cancer that affects 'mostly young women' after mum dies aged 36

Warning signs for rare cancer that affects 'mostly young women' after mum dies aged 36

Martin Keelagher set up Claire's Wishes in memory of his wife who died after being diagnosed with Krukenberg tumours

This article contains discussion of cancer which some readers may find distressing.

A man has taken to LinkedIn to share the devastating plight of his wife who lost her life to a rare cancer, and is urging others to know the signs.

Martin Keelagher took to the networking site to share that his 36-year-old wife had died just six months after being diagnosed with Krukenberg tumours - a rare and specific type of cancer tumour that grows in the ovaries.

Martin, from Greater Manchester, shared that his wife Claire Elizabeth Keelagher (nee Comer) passed away 'peacefully and surrounded by loved ones' on 10 January earlier this year.

Devastatingly, she left behind a two-year-old son.

Claire Keelagher passed away at the age of 36 (
Claire Keelagher passed away at the age of 36 (

He added: "Sadly, this type of cancer is mainly seen in young women in their 20s, 30s and 40s, which is devastating when you are in the prime of your life."

Martin shared that his hope going forward is to work on the non-profit organisation Claire's Wishes, in a bid to help support and educate people about Krukenberg tumours and the rare type of cancer that took Claire's life.

He added that this wish is made 'most importantly to raise awareness and show people what to look for to aid in early diagnosis'.

Claire's Wishes was founded in a bid to help support and educate people about Krukenberg tumours. (Claire's Wishes)
Claire's Wishes was founded in a bid to help support and educate people about Krukenberg tumours. (Claire's Wishes)

The website for Claire's Wishes shares that 'Claire was a much-loved wife and mother, to her young son and bereft husband Martin'.

It continues: "[They] miss her every day as does her mum and dad and all family members, friends, and colleagues."

What are Krukenberg tumours?

The website advises that Krukenberg tumours tragically tend to impact people assigned female at birth, between the ages of 27 and 65.

They typically spread from gastric cancer or breast cancer and arise in the appendix, colon, small intestine, rectum, gallbladder, and urinary bladder or gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas.

It adds: "Krunkenberg tumours are very aggressive and therefore early diagnosis is crucial."

Women have been advised that pain in the lower abdomen may be a symptom. (Getty Stock Image)
Women have been advised that pain in the lower abdomen may be a symptom. (Getty Stock Image)

Symptoms of Krukenberg tumours

Cancer Center have outlined a list of symptoms to look out for:

  • Abdominal mass that can be felt under the skin
  • Pain or discomfort in the pelvis or lower abdomen
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Changes in menstrual cycle
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Excessive hair growth in areas where women don’t typically grow hair, such as the face, chest and back
  • Anemia (low red blood cell count)

Martin has launched a fundraiser, explaining that money raised will go towards Claire's Wishes to help raise awareness of Krunkenberg tumours via their own charity.

You can donate to Martin's JustGiving page here.

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues and want to speak to someone in confidence, contact Macmillan’s Cancer Support Line on 0808 808 00 00, 8am–8pm seven days a week.

Featured Image Credit: Just Giving/BSIP/UIG Via Getty Images

Topics: Cancer, Health, Real Life