This ‘water test’ could be the difference between getting the job and staying unemployed, and it is nearly impossible to get right.
Whenever you go for a job interview, it’s pretty nerve wracking, so when the hiring manager tries to catch you out, it can be hard to know what’s a kind gesture and what’s another test heading your way.
So, if you’re offered a seemingly innocuous glass of water, maybe think twice before you make your decision.
The ‘water test’ was posted on Reddit after a user asked hiring managers to reveal the ‘special tests’ they handed out to candidates.

What is the ‘water test’?
One respondent said they were given the water test, where ‘they put a jug of water with a cup out to see if anyone would drink it while being interviewed’.
The person went on to explain what the hiring manager was looking for in a potential employee by utilising the jug.
They shared: “I was the only person who drank the water at a ‘normal pace’ during the interview, and this is seen as being ‘confident in the workplace environment by accepting a gift or offer.’”
The user added that their ‘normal pace’ was to take a sip of water after answering each of their questions, as to pace themselves.
The Redditor wrote: “Apparently, you can tell a lot about a person from the way they refuse the offer of the water or by drinking it too fast.”
A lot of social media user were not happy with the 'test' as they said they might refuse the water due to being afraid to show their hand tremors or leaving lipstick on the glass.

Someone else said they naturally drink fast so would be an instant fail, writing: “I would hate this … I always drink fast, it would easily be misinterpreted.”
Another beverage-based interview test is the ‘coffee cup test’, which is used by Trent Innes, former MD of Xero Australia.
The businessman explained that if someone comes for a job interview, he'd make a point of showing them where the office kitchen was and also making sure that they left the kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand.
After that, the job interview would be conducted as normal, but once it was over the 'coffee cup test' kicked into play.
According to Innes, the test hinges on what the applicant will do with their coffee cup once the interview is over, as they had been shown where the kitchen is and also had the time to take it back.
If a person takes back the cup to the kitchen, then they’ve got a chance, but the manager wouldn’t give a chance to those who didn’t take their cup back to be washed.
It’s a strange test to give to prospective employees, but if it works for Innes then why not.
Topics: Jobs, Reddit, Food and Drink, Real Life