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These three Zodiac signs are most likely to believe in Astrology

These three Zodiac signs are most likely to believe in Astrology

Did your star sign make the list?

Ever wondered which three star signs are more likely to believe in astrology? No? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway.

Astrology isn't for everyone and can divide a room as much as politics or whether or not a person is a Swiftie.

Those who believe can blame pretty much everything going on - or wrong - in their life on the fact that Mercury is retrograde, their moon rising is doing something or other and that their daily prediction told them they were going to have a bad day - and now they are. Shock.

Those who don't believe take every opportunity to make those who do feel like an idiot, pointing out that horoscopes are nothing more than blanket predictions that can apply to anyone and any situation. I fall somewhere in the middle, but as a Gemini that should come as no surprise to you, considering my notorious reputation for being two-faced and indecisive. Thanks Mercury (Gemini's ruling planet in case you were wondering).

But what star signs are actually hardcore believers in astrology according to astrology? Let's take a look...

Pisces (19 Feb - 20 Mar)

Sounds logical enough. (Tyla)
Sounds logical enough. (Tyla)

Being ruled by the dreamiest of planets, namely Neptune, Pisces are apparently die-hard astrologists because Neptune governs all things spirituality.

Pisces are said to be very in tune with spirituality including dreams, fantasies and manifestations, so it makes perfect sense that they'd be the ones pulling up the Daily Horoscope app on their phone at a party, telling you to expect 'sudden change of circumstances this week.'

Ooo, I wonder what means?

Taurus (20 Apr - 20 May)

The astrological equivalent to stalking your new partner on LinkedIn. (Tyla)
The astrological equivalent to stalking your new partner on LinkedIn. (Tyla)

Although an Earth sign, who are said to be too ground in reality to believe that the stars has a plan for us all, Taurus is the exception.

Being big lovers of love, a Taurus is more likely to use astrology to check up on the compatibility of a love interest. Don't worry though, it's not like they're going write you off just because you're a Scopio or anything, but they'll take comfort knowing the stars have given them a heads up on the traits of their future partner.

Cancer (21 June - 22 July)

Cancer, really? I am in shock. (Tyla)
Cancer, really? I am in shock. (Tyla)

In an addition that shocked absolutely no one is Cancer. Being one of the more, shall we say emotional signs, they're easily moved by things and that includes - but is not limited to - a touching horoscope reading.

And in true fashion, it's not uncommon for cancers to apologise for their on-brand outbursts of emotion, so their presence on this list was more predictable than a Gemini being deemed the worst in everything.

Cancers also care deeply - some might say too deeply - so if they have friends or family who believe in horoscopes, it would come as no surprise that they did too.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images/Tyla

Topics: Astrology, Life