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Woman Destroys 32 Wedding Dresses After Deposit Row

Woman Destroys 32 Wedding Dresses After Deposit Row

An unhappy customer.

Kimberley Bond

Kimberley Bond

Move over, Katherine Heigl, we’ve got a story that tops 27 Dresses.

One furious customer wreaked havoc in a bridal store, after a row culminated in her cutting up 32 wedding dresses.

The incident, which took place in Chongqing's Jiangjin District, happened when the woman was told she was not receiving her £400 deposit back.

You can watch the incident below.

The woman had ordered a £900 wedding package from the bridal store, but had suddenly cancelled it.

She started destroying dresses when shop assistants informed her she was no longer entitled to her deposit.

Chinese website Sohu claimed the 32 wedding dresses are thought to be worth in the area of £10,000.

The video sees the unnamed woman armed with scissors as she snipped through a number of bridal gowns in store.

As well as slicing through big white dresses traditionally worn by Western brides, she also cut through expensive, traditional Chinese garb.

The woman snipped through white bridal gowns (

While the woman is snipping up dress, a voice from behind the camera is reported to tell the dress destroyer: “Think clearly. These dresses cost several thousands of yuan.”

The woman replies: “Thousands? Even if it's several ten-thousands, that's fine.

“Call the police.”

She then starts cutting through a red and gold traditional dress, which someone warns it is worth “several tens of thousands” of yuan.

Still clearly fuming, the woman refuses to stop, and says she’d be fine paying one hundred thousand yuan if she has to (the equivalent of around £54,000).

More elaborate, traditional bridal clothing was destroyed (

While the bridal store had refused to refund the woman her cash, they reportedly offered to provide some services for a child’s 100th day celebrations, after it was claimed the customer was expecting a baby.

Police arrived at the scene to inspect damage to the dresses, but it is not known whether the woman was charged.

Really puts the word ‘bridezilla’ into perspective…

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/Sohu

Topics: Life, Real Life, Wedding