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Reddit has long been a source of debate, information and confession exchanges which allows users to share or declare everything that’s on their minds.
In an rare glimpse of humanity, however, there was a post shared by Ruth Murray which brought together two people who'd suffered similar tragedies.
Titled, ‘My brother passed 6 months ago and I still texted him frequently. Today, I got a response’ and under the username, Ruthless0903, Ruth went on to show screenshots of the text exchange between her brother’s old number and herself one day.
Admitting that she regularly texts her late brother, Ruth was surprised that one day, she received a response to her previous message.
Her original message reads: “I just MISS YOU so much. God. What the hell”.
This is where it all changed for Ruth, when suddenly she found herself finding comfort in the stranger on the other end of the phone.
And the response she received was brief but understanding.
“I’m sorry to hear that you’re missing someone but unfortunately you have the wrong number.”
“I know." she replied.
Ruth then explained to the recipient that she'd been texting him for some time so that it felt as though her brother could ‘hear’ her.
The recipient replied that she was 'going through a similar thing right now' and that their cousin 'isn’t doing well and is expected to pass any day now' and that they understood her feelings.
The texter then added that Ruth could 'feel free to text any time you need'.
As reported by BBC, Ruth found out that her mystery reply came from Amber Leinweber from Wisconsin.
When Amber first started receiving the messages to her new work phone, she first thought that they were texts for a lost phone.
However when she decided to reach out, she discovered that they were being sent by a grieving sister who'd lost her older brother, Mike, to a heroin overdose.
Once both women began to chat more, Ruth uploaded their story to the online forum and it soon became a wholesome viral sensation.
And Reddit commenters soon began to share their own stories of loss to the original post and it began to take the form of an uplifting community thread.
One commenter shared: “I lost my younger brother about 5 years ago and still message him on Facebook a few times a year. Makes me happy to see such compassion between strangers. Thanks for the post and I wish you the best in your time of healing.”
And someone else commented: "So sad for you but encouraged to see such a nice exchange between two very decent people. My condolences on the loss of your brother."