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AI creates what the 'average woman' from UK and Ireland's major cities look like

AI creates what the 'average woman' from UK and Ireland's major cities look like

Artificial intelligence doesn't care about you're feelings!

As a country so rich and diverse in culture, Brits as a whole have been branded with lots of different stereotypes.

We all speak The Queen's English, we sit down for afternoon tea on a daily basis, and we have fish and chips most evenings. Sound familiar?

Well, along with the cliches that we're often subjected to over here - namely at the hands of our transatlantic cousins - there are also a huge number of conventions surrounding each individual city within the UK.

Scousers girls go out with their hair in rollers, Mancunians all talk like Liam Gallagher, Londoners are rude, the Scottish hate the English, Geordies are carnage on a night out and Bristolians all drive around on tractors drinking cider.

We've given these harmless stereotypes to ourselves over the years, and for the most part, they're pretty funny.

However, artificial intelligence (AI) has created what the 'average woman' from major cities across the UK and Ireland looks like and the results will likely have you feeling either completely baffled or pretty flattered.


Is this what you expect? (Midjourney)
Is this what you expect? (Midjourney)

Look, I'll be honest - I was expecting more Geordie Shore vibes than this, given the fact it's probably one of the first things many associate with Newcastle.

She also doesn't look that happy considering how fun the city can be, not to mention how good a Newcastle night out is.

No worries pet, let's see if Liverpool is any better...


She's a footie fan. (Midjourney)
She's a footie fan. (Midjourney)

AI's version of the average scouser isn't all that surprising, is it? Donning a Liverpool FC footie shirt, she's clearly a fan of the reds.

Judging by her expression though, it doesn't look like they won...


I was expecting another footie fan for some reason, but no. (Midjourney)
I was expecting another footie fan for some reason, but no. (Midjourney)

30 miles down the road and we're heading into Manchester, and there's no sign of anything resembling an Oasis fan, footie or that Manc New Year's photo (you know which one I'm talking about). Safe to say, I'm disappointed.

AI, you've really let me down here, mate.


Very artsy. (Midjourney)
Very artsy. (Midjourney)

Definitely one of the most interesting looks on the list, complete with plaid shift and quirky two-toned hair, Glasgow is definitely giving us a bit more - even if she doesn't look overly thrilled about it.


Where's the tube at? (Midjourney)
Where's the tube at? (Midjourney)

The slightly pained expression, no sign of a smile and sitting on public transport - it's gotta be London! Jokes aside, I do think they would have been better putting her on a tube but you can't have it all, can you?

I don't think it's a bad job.


Where's the Guinness? (Midjourney)
Where's the Guinness? (Midjourney)

Finally, it's time for Dublin.

I have to say, she's looking happier than London, but I was expecting a bit more from the bustling Irish capital. There's not even a pint of Guinness in sight!

How do you think the robots did? Are you offended or flattered?

Featured Image Credit: Midjourney

Topics: Technology, UK News, Beauty