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Three reasons why you should never leave iPhone on charge while you sleep following Apple warning

Three reasons why you should never leave iPhone on charge while you sleep following Apple warning

A firefighter has revealed the chilling reasons why

Plugging in our iPhones before we go to sleep is second nature for most of us, but a firefighter has given three very good reasons why we should stop doing it.

Yep - you should never leave your iPhone on charge while you sleep after Apple also issued a serious warning on doing so.

Apple warning on charging iPhones while sleeping

Apple states that iPhone users should try and 'avoid prolonged skin contact with the charging cable and connector when the charging cable is connected to a power source'.

A firefighter has warned of the three major reasons why you should never leave your iPhone on charge overnight as you sleep. (aire images / Getty Stock Images)
A firefighter has warned of the three major reasons why you should never leave your iPhone on charge overnight as you sleep. (aire images / Getty Stock Images)

This is because it may cause you physical injury or discomfort while you drift off into your slumber.

Moreover, Apple also advises against sleeping or sitting on the charging cable or connector and that 'sustained contact with warm surfaces for long periods of time may cause discomfort or injury'.

"Keep your iPhone, the power adapter, and any wireless charger in a well-ventilated area when in use or charging. Take special care if you have a physical condition that affects your ability to detect heat against the body," the company states.

Following this warning, a firefighter has gone further and said we should never charge our phones while we sleep, no matter how careful we're being.

Be sure to unplug before you drift off for some shut-eye. (Tomasz Śmigla / Getty Images)
Be sure to unplug before you drift off for some shut-eye. (Tomasz Śmigla / Getty Images)

Three reasons why you should never charge your phone while you sleep

A firefighter from Kent Fire Rescue offered his expertise on the matter, taking to TikTok to share: "We get a lot of questions here at Kent Fire Rescue about why you shouldn't charge phones overnight. So here are the reasons why."

The first reason you should never leave your iPhone on charge overnight is all to do with smell.

"Number one," he began. "You can't smell anything when you're asleep, so if it starts to burn, the fire won't wake you up."

The second, arguably even more chilling reason, is: "It only takes three breaths, right, to knock you unconscious."

And the firefighter concluded with the third and final reason: "Lots of people have cheap or faulty phone chargers, or even genuine ones have been known start fires."

Who said you don't learn something new every day?

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: Apple, Technology, iPhone, Advice