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Hostel owner detained after six people die from suspected poisoning after taking 'free shots' on holiday

Hostel owner detained after six people die from suspected poisoning after taking 'free shots' on holiday

A sixth holidaymaker - Australian 19-year-old Holly Bowles - has now died after consuming drinks allegedly poisoned with methanol

Local police have detained a Laos hostel owner following the deaths of six individuals from consuming suspected poisoned alcohol.

19-year-old Australian backpacker Holly Bowles was travelling South East Asia with her friend, Bianca Jones, who also passed away earlier this week.

Bowles' family announced her passing in a statement: “We are so sad to say that our beautiful girl Holly is now at peace.”

A British holiday-maker named Simone White, 28, was among a number of people taken to hospital following the incident in the popular backpacking town of Vang Vieng last week.

The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) confirmed her death on Thursday.

An officer from Vang Vieng's Tourism Police Office have declared that - though no charges have yet been filed - a 'number of people' have been detained in connection with the attack.

Staff at the Nana Backpacker Hostel, which is still operating but not accepting new guests, confirmed the manager and owner were among those taken in for questioning.

In a statement released to the media, the Laos government said it was 'profoundly saddened' over the deaths of foreign tourists and offered its condolences to their families.

It added that is has been investigating 'to find causes of the incident' and to 'bring the perpetrators to justice'.

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Topics: News, UK News, World News, Alcohol, Food and Drink, Travel