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BBC viewers in stitches after live Glastonbury interview with girl, 5, takes a ‘very strange' turn

BBC viewers in stitches after live Glastonbury interview with girl, 5, takes a ‘very strange' turn

The adorable exchange has already gone viral on social media

Brace yourselves as the festivities of Glastonbury have, at long last, finally kicked off today (26 June).

Now, Glasto is back for its 54th year this weekend and thousands upon thousands of punters piled into the campsite earlier this morning equipped with tents, portable chargers and - of course - flower crowns.

While many of us are buzzing to tune into the headliner performances throughout the fest, there's one thing we look forward to almost as much every single year - the entry interviews.

Festival-goers rocked up to the Glastonbury campsite earlier this morning (26 June) (Jim Dyson / Contributor / Getty Images)
Festival-goers rocked up to the Glastonbury campsite earlier this morning (26 June) (Jim Dyson / Contributor / Getty Images)

No doubt you'll already be familiar with the absolute hun who had an absolutely hilarious reaction when asked why she’s got rollers in her hair last year.

Well, it seems another Glasto gal has now taken the throne for the most iconic response which has since left BBC viewers in stitches after the live interview with the five-year-old took a 'very strange' turn.

Take a look at the totally adorable encounter:

It all started when a BBC interview approached a family before their young child revealed she had 'something crazy' to tell him.

"I have a boyfriend," the child dropped before the presenter replied: "That's quite a declaration to make on national TV!"

He continued: "You're six tomorrow and you decided to make this announcement on national TV? Do you want to give us his name?"

The girl then explained the chap's name was Toby Ogden before the presenter joked: "I'm gonna have to find out from the parents whether they approve - Toby Ogden."

The five-year-old saw her chance and took it. (BBC)
The five-year-old saw her chance and took it. (BBC)

"It's a no from me," the dad joked before the mum assured: "No he's lovely! They're good friends, he's lovely. He's going for tea when we get back!"

The little girl then dropped the bombshell: "My daddy said he will lock him in a tower."

She then added the absolute gem to finish it all off: "And I got something to tell you.

"My grandpa has a scorpion and a praying mantis and loads of bugs."

The presenter then light-heartedly replied with what we were all probably thinking: "This has gone very strange."

The internet has been left howling at the adorable interview. (BBC)
The internet has been left howling at the adorable interview. (BBC)

One X user penned: "We already have a contender for the wildest Glastonbury interview of the year."

"OMG this ADORABLE moment on BBC Breakfast," gushed a second.

A third chimed in: "Imagine being five and announcing on national television that you now have a boyfriend. Boss move."


"This is the news the people need," quipped a fourth while a fifth joked: "Seems a perfectly normal Glastonbury conversation to me."

A sixth piped up: "Kids telling it as it is!"

"She is brilliant!" praised a another while a final X user added: "This really helped with my Glastonbury blues this morning."

Talk about a hard launch!

Featured Image Credit: BBC

Topics: BBC, UK News, Glastonbury, Festivals, Parenting