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Instagram users ‘thrown off’ as ‘absolutely disgusting’ update leaves them furious

Instagram users ‘thrown off’ as ‘absolutely disgusting’ update leaves them furious

The social media platform is apparently 'testing' out the latest update

Instagram users have been completely 'thrown off' as an update slammed as being 'absolutely disgusting' has left them furious.

Over the last few months, Instagram has rolled out a bunch of different updates and it's clear that one of them it's currently testing has caused quite the backlash online.

Now, there's always a bit of growing pains when it comes to change - especially when it's anything to do with a social media app we're pretty much glued to 24/7.

Instagram has rolled out yet another update (Matt Cardy / Contributor / Getty Images)
Instagram has rolled out yet another update (Matt Cardy / Contributor / Getty Images)

Back in August, we saw the carousel feature receive an update which allows users to add up to 20 photos or videos to a single post, which is an increase from the previous limit of 10.

This went down a charm, for the most part, but Instagram is now reportedly testing out a new carousel format altogether - allowing users to see a preview of the next photo before swiping.

Upon hearing the news, social media users rushed to weigh in on the new test update, with one Instagram user hitting out: "Lowkey throwing me off because I like to see each picture centred lol."

"This! Looks awful," slammed a second, while a third piped up: "Ruins [sic] the photos with a horrible border on one edge, takes away from landscape aspect ratios.

"An absolutely disgusting update for photos!"

A fourth quipped: "Thanks, I hate it."

"Nobody asked for that," penned a fifth, while another echoed: "I’m ngl, so many of the updates IG has been doing doesn’t make sense or simply wasn’t asked for."

And a final Instagram user confessed exactly the kind of update the people really want: "We just wanna see who sent our posts to people!"

Now that would be a game-changer.

Tyla has reached out to Instagram for comment.

People have slammed the test update (semenovp / Getty Images)
People have slammed the test update (semenovp / Getty Images)

In other phone news, Apple has issued an injury warning about charging iPhones while sleeping.

The latest memo says to 'avoid prolonged skin contact with the charging cable and connector when the charging cable is connected to a power source’, which many of us will accidentally do while sleeping.

It also warns to be careful about lying or sitting on the cable because 'sustained contact with warm surfaces for long periods of time may cause discomfort or injury'.

“Use common sense to avoid situations where your skin is in contact with a device, its power adapter, or a wireless charger when it’s operating or connected to a power source for long periods of time," the memo states.

"Keep your iPhone, the power adapter, and any wireless charger in a well-ventilated area when in use or charging. Take special care if you have a physical condition that affects your ability to detect heat against the body."

Featured Image Credit: Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images/Getty Stock Image

Topics: Instagram, News, Social Media, Technology