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Missing Brit Jay Slater’s GoFundMe page reaches £40k after mum reveals how the money will be spent

Missing Brit Jay Slater’s GoFundMe page reaches £40k after mum reveals how the money will be spent

Debbie Duncan detailed plans on how the family were going to use the money as the search for the teenager continues

As the GoFundMe page for Jay Slater hits a huge milestone, his mum Debbie Duncan has spoken out to explain how the money will be spent.

Slater disappeared after a night out in Tenerife earlier this month, having last been heard from at around 8am on 17 June after telling others he was in the middle of nowhere and needed water.

The journey back to his resort would have taken around 11 hours on foot, but no one has since seen or heard from the 19-year-old since.

The Lancashire-born teenager had been enjoying a holiday on the Spanish island with two friends in the hours before he went missing, having flown to the popular holiday spot for a music festival.

His friend Lucy, who was with him on the trip, told police Slater been on a night out with the group earlier that evening, but had left the group in order to spend time with new people he'd met.

Jay Slater went missing in Tenerife earlier this month (Family handout)
Jay Slater went missing in Tenerife earlier this month (Family handout)

He told her his phone battery was on one percent and that he needed a drink of water, but 'didn't know where he was'.

His phone then died, with his last location shown as being Rural de Teno Park - or the National Park of Teno – in the north west of Tenerife.

The GoFundMe that Lucy set up has now surpassed £40,000 as the search for Slater continues.

His mum Debbie issued a statement via the fundraiser to thank people for their support, while also detailing the family's plans for the funds.

She said: "First, I would like to thank everyone for your support, kind messages, and good wishes.

"It’s difficult to wrap our heads around what is happening right now, but we are not losing hope that we will find Jay and return home together."

Debbie Duncan with son Jay (Family handout)
Debbie Duncan with son Jay (Family handout)

Duncan went on to say there were several ways that they would be using the money.

She continued: "We are currently working with GoFundMe to withdraw part of the funds, which are being safely held.

"I wanted to share that these funds will be used to support the mountain rescue teams who are tirelessly searching for Jay.

"Additionally, since our stay in Tenerife needs to be extended, we will also use the funds to cover accommodation and food expenses.

"I’m surrounded by wonderful people who are by my side, but far from their loved ones, so we’ll also be using part of these funds to fly them to Tenerife so we can support each other during these dark times.

"Thank you again for all your donations and support, this means the world to us."

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: Jay Slater, UK News