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New Queen Camilla photo leaves fans baffled as people all make same hilarious mistake

New Queen Camilla photo leaves fans baffled as people all make same hilarious mistake

The Queen was visiting a primary school in London as part of a royal engagement

It seems like photos and The Royal Family just don't go hand-in-hand.

I mean, who could forgot the debacle with Kate Middleton's Mother's Day picture a few months prior?

Well, this time, the Queen Consort is the latest victim of a photography mishap after she visited Christ Church C of E Primary School in Chelsea, South West London yesterday.

Her Majesty's visit was part of a royal engagement to encourage a reading scheme at the local school.

Queen Camilla visited the primary school as part of a royal engagement yesterday (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Queen Camilla visited the primary school as part of a royal engagement yesterday (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

As reported by LBC, Queen Camilla encouraged the children to 'keep on reading' and said that 'by the time you are grown up you are all going to be stars'.

She said: "It is going to take you on millions of adventures all over the world."

"The more you read as you grow up, it's going to be bigger and better for all of you."

A little girl also asked her, 'Are you the Queen?' to which she replied, "That's me." She was also shown a mosaic of her husband, King Charles III, which she said was 'really good'.

The Royal Family's Instagram account shared a picture of Her Majesty amidst a sea of children with their arms in the air.

The post was captioned: "As an avid reader, The Queen was encouraged to hear about all of the reading initiatives taking place at Christ Church C of E Primary School, London.

"Her Majesty was also shown a mosaic of His Majesty The King, created by the school's pupils to celebrate The Coronation, before sitting in on a school assembly to hear about some of their favourite books."

However, viewers of the post couldn't help but notice that the angle of the picture created some funny perspective.

People were baffled by the picture (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
People were baffled by the picture (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

One person wrote: "Why did I think Camilla was on someone's shoulders?"

Another said: "Thought it was Glastonbury for a second."

A third added: "Me too! Glad she wasn't, scared me to death thinking she was going to get dropped."

"Surely I'm not the only one who saw her crowdsurfing at first glance?!" a fourth said.

The most probable explanation is that the Queen was simply sitting on a chair, which can be clearly seen in the middle of all of the children who were sitting on the floor.

It probably didn't help that everyone had their arms in the air - like a scene straight out of a festival.

Featured Image Credit: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Topics: Royal Family, The Queen, King Charles III