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Mum says one-month-old baby has leukaemia after baby boy died at three days old

Mum says one-month-old baby has leukaemia after baby boy died at three days old

A mum has shared her truly heartbreaking plight on social media after her baby boy Ralphie was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia

A mum has shared her truly heartbreaking plight on social media after her baby boy was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia.

Little Ralphie is only one month old, and the sad news comes just months after his big brother Huxley died three days after being born.

Sophie Kitcher has spoken of her heartbreak and asked ‘how life can be so cruel’ as her friends ask for donations via a GoFundMe page they’ve set up to support Sophie and her family.

Thirty-four-year-old Sophie, from Hertfordshire, said: “I don't understand how life can be so cruel and my baby has now got to go through this.”

A mum has shared her truly heartbreaking plight on social media after her baby boy Ralphie was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia.

She also noted that doctors have said Ralphie only has a 30 percent chance of survival.

Funds raised through GoFundMe will help pay for Ralphie’s accommodation while he has five months of chemotherapy at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

Sophie wrote on Instagram: “If we haven't already been through hell and back here we are again, our beautiful darling rainbow boy has been diagnosed with leukaemia.

"Ralphie, you are our purpose and the reason we are still both here today fighting for you with your brother looking over us.

"Please everyone say your prayers for us, mummy and daddy are absolutely broken in pieces. How has this happened you are so perfect."

Huxley, who was diagnosed with Down's syndrome when he was born last July, passed away shortly after Sophie welcomed him into the world.

He died during surgery to repair a hole in his intestine.

Ralphie - who was born on 5 October at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow - was given the middle name Leo in honour of his older brother’s star sign.

Little Ralphie is only one month old, and last year, his older brother Huxley died just three days after being born.

On the GoFundMe created by Sophie’s friends, it’s explained that only one parent is allowed to stay in hospital with Ralphie at a time.

So far, Sophie’s GoFundMe campaign has raised more than £65,000.

It reads: “Finally after the heartbreak of losing their son Huxley, our dear friends Sophie and Luke welcomed their precious boy Ralphie Leo Kitcher into the world.

“Their dreams had finally come true but on Monday [31] October this turned into their worst nightmare, when Ralphie was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.

“He has already started an intense round of chemotherapy which will be ongoing for the next 5 months where Sophie and Luke will be by his side every step of the way at Great Ormond Street hospital.”

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677

Featured Image Credit: GoFundMe

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