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Below Deck star issues harrowing warning after sister nearly dies following tragic accident in Thailand

Below Deck star issues harrowing warning after sister nearly dies following tragic accident in Thailand

Below Deck's Daisy Kelliher has warned people to be careful

Below Deck's Daisy Kelliher has warned people to be careful after her sister nearly died following an accident in Thailand.

Daisy took to her Instagram to let her followers know that her sister Bonnie had been involved in an accident while riding a moped in Thailand - which she says is 'a miracle' she survived considering the extent of her injuries.

She uploaded the warning in two separate posts, where she noted that she had received an Instagram message whilst in the UK from a friend Bonnie had met out there about her accident 'with no other information'.

"She has had several surgeries." (Instagram/@daisykelliher87)
"She has had several surgeries." (Instagram/@daisykelliher87)

In the first post, she said: “This was on the Friday, and it had happened on the Thursday, by Saturday my parents were on a flight to her.”

“Without going too much into the specifics, she has had several surgeries including her chest, face and brain and two emergency surgeries one when it happened and one over the weekend and a 12 hour surgery last week.”

Daisy added that her sister had been discharged from ICU over the weekend, and is now on a normal ward to spend another two weeks in hospital.

In the second post, she said: “I am sitting by her side on her 34th birthday, and with the extent of her injuries, it’s quite a miracle she’s alive.

“We all feel optimistic and positive that with time she will make a full recovery.

“The only reason I am sharing this information (with my family's permission) is to promote a few things.

“For anyone who might see this who is going on holiday or travelling or anything like this.

She said it was a 'miracle' that her sister had survived given her injuries (Instagram/@daisykelliher87)
She said it was a 'miracle' that her sister had survived given her injuries (Instagram/@daisykelliher87)

“Please don’t get on the moped and if you do wear a helmet and have insurance (no helmet, no insurance).

“My family have seen several people over the weeks be admitted and not all have been as lucky as Bonnie.”

She also expressed how important it is to check on your friends, noting that if Bonnie’s friend hadn’t been in touch, then the outcome could have been very different.

She said: “She was so fast acting and a huge support to my family. So always always check on your friends.”

According to the star, her family cannot believe how ‘close’ they came to losing Bonnie, but were thankful to the ‘incredible’ hospital staff looking after her.

"We hope by sharing this story it may save a life or save another person or family having to go through this. We can’t quite believe how close we were to losing her." she concluded her post.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@daisykelliher87

Topics: Travel, Health