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Cruise passenger reveals why you should always take a Ziploc bag onboard

Cruise passenger reveals why you should always take a Ziploc bag onboard

The handy little plastic bag might be the answer to all of your cruise-related woes

No matter where you turn, cruises are all the rage right now. Chances are you might find yourself wanting to book one soon - and it's always best to be prepared.

According to one woman, the secret is to always carry a Ziploc bag.

Thanks to cruise-goers being proud of their regular sea voyages, many of them take to social media to share nifty tips and tricks for how to best enjoy your sea odyssey - especially when it comes to food.

For example, the advice imparted by 28-year-old Lucy Southerton, a cruise ship worker, about the do's and don'ts of cruise buffets was invaluable.

Save this advice for your next cruise. (Getty Stock Image)
Save this advice for your next cruise. (Getty Stock Image)

Her top tips included covering up at the buffet. Although it's appropriate to lounge in swimwear on different parts of the yacht, when it comes to the communal dining areas, it's important to cover up.

Another was making sure you take the time to peruse all that the cruise has on offer. While you may be tempted to load up your plate with the first thing you see, Southerton stressed that this may mean you miss the availability of some food you'd enjoy much more.

And a third handy tip is trying to avoid the crowds.

A Ziploc bag could be invaluable. (Getty Stock Image)
A Ziploc bag could be invaluable. (Getty Stock Image)

Southerton shared: "I know it's really tempting to go straight to the buffet, but the thing you need to keep in mind is everyone is instructed to go to the buffet.

"The leaders of the cruise ship tell all the crew members to direct all of the passengers that are coming on to the buffet, which means - yes it's going to be crowded.

"But there's always other places you can eat on the cruise ship."

With that advice, she added it's worth asking cruise staff where else you can eat on the cruise other than the buffet - adding that as they won't be very busy, your food is likely to be better quality.

The latest advice straight out of cruise-land is about why you should always take a Ziploc bag to sea with you.

A woman that goes by the name Professor Melissa took to TikTok to share her pearls of wisdom.

She said: "Yes, food is abundant on a cruise, but this comes in handy for many reasons.

"One, it’s great to have to keep and store food in your stateroom for late-night snacks, especially because free 24/7 room service is a thing of the past.

"It’s also great to have snacks with you to take on port days.”

The advice was a lightbulb moment for viewers who shared their thoughts in the comments.

One person wrote: "Ziplocs are so underrated when travelling!"

Another said: "I don’t go on any trip without diff size ziplocs!! It’s essential!!!"

While some did point out that, in their experience, they weren't allowed to take food off the ship, Professor Melissa suggested traveller should check their specific cruiseliner's guidelines before doing so.

So there you have it - it's a great way to ensure you can tackle your cravings no matter time it is.

Featured Image Credit: Michael Dunning/BonNontawat/Getty Images

Topics: Travel, Food and Drink, Life Hacks, Cruise Ship