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Pilot shares ice cube trick on how to stop a baby crying on planes

Pilot shares ice cube trick on how to stop a baby crying on planes

It won't cost you a thing, but might give you peace of mind

When it comes to jetting off on our holidays, one of the most dreaded parts is a crying baby on your flight.

Of course it's not the parent's fault and there's nobody to blame - but that doesn't mean it's not annoying when wanting to get forty winks before you land.

It's long been considered that there's simply nothing that can be done about it though, and some babies are simply better fliers than others.

Well - TikTok rarely disappoints when it comes to finding handy solutions, and one pilot reckons he's cracked the code when it comes to shrieking babies at high altitudes.

Your little one will be flying soundly in no time. (Getty Stock Image)
Your little one will be flying soundly in no time. (Getty Stock Image)

Jimmy Nicholson from Australia shared his tips on the video sharing platform.

He said: "I've done the research for you, I asked a ton of mums and apparently these work.

"As the aircraft increases in altitude, gases expand in the body like when you release a balloon.

"The same gases need to leave your body. They lead to your nose, your ears or your bum.

"As adults we can swallow, chew gum, do the valsalva, that helps get rid of the gases in your body.

"Babies - little bit more difficult."

Luckily for us, he has several top tips.

The answer to all of your problems could be an ice cube. (Getty Stock Image)
The answer to all of your problems could be an ice cube. (Getty Stock Image)

Breastfeed on descent

He explains: "Apparently it works. It helps the baby do a valsalva, the sucking and swallowing motion gets rid of the trapped gases in their ears and sinuses."

Ask for an ice cube

He advises: "Ask your flight attendant for an ice cube, give it to your baby and try to get them to suck on the ice cube and this will help unclog their ears."

As many mums have advised him that this truly works, it's definitely one to try out.

The viral video attracted many mums to share their own tips.

One person wrote: "The flight attendants used to give us boiled sweets to suck. Maybe they don't do that anymore?"

Another added: "Just a bottle with milk or water works - or olbas oil on hanky in front of nose opens airways again."

A third said: "Bottle on take off and lading every time! About 1-2 mins after take off I find. I would be scared of the ice cube and choking."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jimmy_nicholson

Topics: Travel, TikTok, Life Hacks