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Traveller reveals one safety hack holidaymakers should always do when staying in a hotel

Traveller reveals one safety hack holidaymakers should always do when staying in a hotel

Redditers are hailing the top tip as a total 'lifesaver'

Hot girl summer is in full swing and I'm sure many of us can't wait to hop on that flight, touchdown somewhere sizzling and unpack in our hotel rooms.

Now, while there's a whole lot to be excited over when it comes to holidaying - it's always a shout to stay prepared and organised ahead of time to ensure there are no mishaps later down the line.

So, to help shed some light on it all, one traveller has revealed their number one safety hack holidaymakers should always do when staying in a hotel.

One person took to the 'Travel Hacks' thread on Reddit to ask the community to share their 'actual' travel hacks.

Make a note of this 'life-saving' travel hack if you're staying at a hotel this summer. (Giselleflissak / Getty Images)
Make a note of this 'life-saving' travel hack if you're staying at a hotel this summer. (Giselleflissak / Getty Images)

Hundreds rushed in to impart their wisdom, with one advising: "Air tags in checked luggage. I've heard so many people have success in retrieving lost luggage because of them!"

A second recommended: "If you can't check into your Airbnb and they won't hold your bags, you can drop them off at a nearby hotel for them to hold.

"You don't have to be staying there, but you need to tip obviously. This also works if you need to check out of your Airbnb and have a later flight as well."

"I would say to download Citymapper," a third suggested. "It will give you directions but will also tell you what public transportation to use and how much it will cost. It has many major international cities on it."

"Make sure someone has a photo/copy of your passport just in case yours is lost/stolen," warned a fourth. "I keep a hardcopy in travel-size Kleenex pack that I keep in my luggage.

"Don't keep your money, credit card and debit card together. If your wallet gets stolen you are screwed." Noted.

On the subject of safety hacks, another Reddit user shared their 'lifesaving' top tip.

They wrote: "If staying at a hotel, I always get a business card with the hotel's address on it. If my phone battery dies, I can show this to a cab driver and have them get me back to my hotel.

"Especially useful if you don't understand the language."

"This is a lifesaver," agreed a second. "I got mugged once in Barcelona and the only thing they got was my phone… which was my directions back to my hotel at 4am… thankfully two very old men who apparently were night owls helped me get back to my hotel lmao."

A final Reddit user echoed: "Definitely a lifesaver in Tokyo!"

Featured Image Credit: PixelsEffect/Boyloso/Getty Images

Topics: Travel, Hacks, Life Hacks, Life, Holiday, Summer, Reddit