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Terrified traveller issues warning over new danger after making horrifying discovery in hotel bed

Terrified traveller issues warning over new danger after making horrifying discovery in hotel bed

The traveller took to Reddit to show their alarm at an item sticking out of the bed sheet

A traveller has posted an alarming story of what he found when he was in a hotel room, and it shocked online users.

A person posted anonymously, telling the tale of what happened when he was laying in bed and felt a scratch.

The person explained that there was a metal object sticking out of the bedsheet, and people became alarmed once they realised what it was.

Sharing the post to Reddit, alongside a photo of the offending thing, they asked people to help identify what it was that ‘scratched the crap’ out of him.

He wrote: “What is this? The metal end was sticking through the bedsheet of a hotel I’m staying in and scratched the crap out of me.”

The person was lying in bed when he felt a scratch (Getty Stock Images)
The person was lying in bed when he felt a scratch (Getty Stock Images)

The traveller explained that he has been lying down to go to sleep before feeling it and examining the bent piece of metal.

Someone wrote after seeing the picture: “Literally what the heck.”

To be honest, anyone would react the same way after realising what it was.

Another person said they had a ‘new fear’ unlocked, while many others were utterly baffled about how the person could have been put in such a situation, particularly when room service is supposed to clean the room and change the bed sheets.

Commenters were then quick to point out that it looked like a disposable insulin pen needle cap and urged him to seek medical attention.

He shared what scratched him in bed (Reddit/poverturf)
He shared what scratched him in bed (Reddit/poverturf)

One person wrote of a similar experience with finding a needle: “My brother got stuck by one of the blood sugar finger pricks in his hand and then got another stuck in his foot when get got in a rental car my sister rented. We had to check the whole car to make sure there weren’t any more because my baby niece was riding in the car and we didn’t want her to get one.”

Someone else said: “When I was in middle school I went to an overnight summer camp. They apparently also had summer camps for diabetic kids in the same place before the one I went to. We had to be extremely thorough checking the mattresses and floor for those things. I kinda get kids being careless with that stuff but adults is absolutely insane.”

The needle in the photo was bent, and he didn’t clarify whether it had entered his skin.

Thankfully, he did go on to seek medical advice after the ordeal and was cleared.

“I’m fine,” the person later wrote, and updated the commenters.

Commenters believe it was an insulin needle pen cap (Getty Stock Images)
Commenters believe it was an insulin needle pen cap (Getty Stock Images)

He shared: “My in-laws and sister are doctors so I’ve been in touch with them about this as well.”

According to the gov’s Better Health Channel, being pricked by a used needle can bring about significant risks to your health, even though transmission is rare.

The website states that in the event of accidentally coming into contact with a needle, you should be vigilant about keeping yourself clean.

It states: “Blood-borne diseases that could be transmitted by a needlestick injury include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). Thoroughly wash the wound with soap and water, and go to your doctor or nearest emergency department as soon as possible. The risk of disease transmission is low.”

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/poverturf/Getty stock image

Topics: Health, Reddit, Travel