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An awkward situation emerged after a father who upgraded to first class without his family was confronted by his 'p***ed' off wife mid-flight after she spotted him talking to another women.

Jordynn Wynn found herself in the middle of an argument between a married couple, 30,000 feet off the ground.

Taking to TikTok, the passenger - who was sat in a first-call cabin - explained how an unnamed man in his late 30s or 40s began talking to her mid-flight.

Jordynn Wynn found herself in the middle of an argument between a married couple, 30,000 feet off the ground.

"He’s working on his laptop and I’m working on my laptop, and the flight attendant comes around and offers us drinks and I just order a water," Jordynn explained.

"At some point, he actually tells me his wife is in the back with the two kids because he’s very far behind in the project and he was sitting in first class so he could get it finished because he also randomly got upgraded."

While this convo was going on, 'as if on cue', the wife appeared outta nowhere with two young children and 'plops the baby' on the husband's lap and said: "If you’re not going to work, then the least you can do is watch one of the babies."

"She just ends up leaving and she just leaves the baby in his lap," Jordynn said.

"What partner leaves their partner in the back of a plane while they’re in first class drinking whisky, with like a two-year-old and a five-year-old on like a three, four-hour flight?"

The video, which was uploaded onto her TikTok page @jordynnwynn has since gone viral.

Taking to TikTok, the passenger who was sat in a first-call cabin explained how an unnamed man in his late 30s or 40s began talking to her mid-flight.

Commenting on the post, one viewer wrote: "My husband left me with our daughter when he was upgraded to 1st on a 6 hour flight.

"Whenever I think about it, I buy myself something nice."

A second added: "If my husband took the upgrade and left me in economy with 2 kids he wouldn’t make it out alive."

While a third penned: "I’m on the wife’s side too.

"If he’s gonna be chatting it up and not working then he can help me with the babies."

However, not everyone was on the wife's side, as one person commented: "Seems like he was on a work trip and the family wanted to join.

"Why are people hating on this guy for working on a work trip?!"

Someone else said: "It’s kind of amazing how many comments there are from wives who don’t think husbands should make conversation on planes."

The TikToker told her followers that it was the 'most awkward encounter' ever and that she was reluctant to speak to him for the remainder of the flight.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jordynnwynn

Topics: TikTok, Travel, Sex and Relationships