An expert bra fitter has revealed how long your bra should last - and people are totally shocked over the answer.
You can watch a clip below:
In the clip, expert @nicolacrookonline explained: "Do you know how long one of these should last? Three months? Six months? 12 months?"
Viewers were totally blown away by Nicola's answer, with many admitting they were guilty of wearing theirs for way longer.
"What!?!? NOOO!! That’s kinda the worst tho cos women need them & good ones are so expensive!" One person wrote.
While another said: "Lasts as long at the material holding the wire in."
And a third added: "What do you mean? Just wash it and wear it again."

Meanwhile, a fourth admitted: "I’ve been wearing the same one 5 times a week for the past 5 years and it’s still good as new. and that’s a Primark t-shirt bra."
"I refuse to believe this," said a fifth.
Others pointed out that buying a new bra that often would be pretty expensive, with another adding: "I don’t have enough money for that."
And a second said: "Who can afford that? Hilarious."
And a third wrote: "I'm not a millionaire sorry."
Meanwhile many admitted to having worn the same bra for many years.

In other news, we previously told you how often you should wash your bra.
Some chuck their bras in with the rest of their clothes every time they're putting a wash on, others wash theirs every other wear, and some prefer to go weeks at a time without deeming it necessary to give their bra refresh.
But what's the general rule?
Elaine Hardwick, Garment Tech Manager at Boux Avenue, says while, of course, it's down to personal preference, washing your bra once every couple of uses is advised.
"Although this will ultimately be more of a personal choice, I would generally advise customers to wash their bra after every couple of uses," she says, explaining: "As an item that sits so close to the skin, it is subjected to perspiration and natural body odours even more so than any other item of clothing, so it is important to make sure any bacteria is being washed off regularly."
Meanwhile, Laura Whittaker, Senior Manager at Ann Summers, reckons that while it depends on the product, person and length of time worn, you can probably stretch this to once every two to three wears.
"Depending on circumstance, customers may find that washing a bra after every 2-3 uses is adequate - you may only be wearing a favourite evening piece for a few hours at a time," she explains.