Kevin the Carrot is channelling his inner Macaulay Culkin in this year's Aldi Christmas advert, after he's accidentally left home alone and finds himself fighting off an intruder.
Check out the advert for yourself here:
Poor Kevin has been left at home while his family - Katie, Baby, Jasper, and Chantenay are on the way to Paris for their Christmas holidays.
It's only when they're on board the plane that they realise Kevin never got on with them, and they accidentally forgot about him.
Meanwhile, the Aldi mascot is watching the football match between 'Cuth' and 'Col' - a nod to the Cuthbert and Colin the Caterpillar drama with Marks and Spencer - on his phone when an intruder climbs across the roof of the house.
"Quaking in his roots, he had to make a stand. And tackle the intruder, with traps he'd carefully planned", says the narrator as Kevin sets up his traps for the intruder.
First, the brave little carrot swings across a string of Christmas lights to slam the letterbox shut, after the mysterious intruder peeks in.
Next, he unleashes a contraption to dump a water balloon on the intruder's head.
His next big idea, the narrator warns, 'almost dashed his hopes of seeing in New Year'.
That's when Kevin accidentally electrocutes himself while using the Christmas lights to keep the door of the house locked tight, before leaping out the top window of the house in a bid to escape.
But it isn't long before we discover who the intruder really was, and realise that he probably wasn't going to do anything sinister after all - quite the opposite actually.

"Santa, thank goodness you're here! Someone's been trying to get in", exclaims Kevin, without realising that it was Old Saint Nick trying to get into the house all along.
And to make for a proper happy ending, Kevin's family rush to his side, calling out his name in excitement after managing to get back home in time for Christmas.
"But even though Kevin was a little worse for wear, he was overjoyed to have everybody there!" the narrator concludes.
In a final clip from the sweet advert, Kevin apologises to his carrot family for ruining their trip to Paris, but jokes 'at least we got to see the trifle tower!'
Adam Zavalis, marketing director at Aldi UK, said: “Christmas celebrates the joy of being with loved ones and this year more than ever we all need a bit of light entertainment as we celebrate the season together. And it wouldn’t be the festive season without Kevin the Carrot on our TV screens, and this year’s Yuletide performance is sure to get the nation shouting ‘Kevin!’ as we welcome him back for the seventh year.”
Topics: Aldi, Christmas, News, TV And Film