In a post shared to Reddit one eagle-eyed viewer has noticed a surprising easter egg in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Apparently the house-elf and fan favourite character, Dobby can be seen for a split second, riding a llama at the Quidditch World Cup.
Fans were quick to point out that actually two elves can be seen, leading many to wonder who the other elf may be.
Book readers commented that this could be Winky, another house elf and friend of Dobby, who did not appear in the film series.
Some have been quick to argue that this could just be another random house elf, with one user commenting:"That’s obviously just a random house elf, Dobby wouldn’t just ride past Harry."
Another Reddit user had a slightly different questions: "Why the hell would an elf be riding a llama any way?" Which does lead one to wonder what else Dobby may have been doing with his time after being freed in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Some users commented, suggesting that Dobby has just been "living his best life."
One commenter posted: "All I can think of now is Dobby making a Instagram account and posting tons of #weekend goals type things (cocktails, sunsets, hiking trails, etc)" Which, to be fair, we would love to see."
One user had a bit of a darker take on the house elves riding llamas, pointing out that this is likely not Dobby and that "they aren't free and riding llamas. They're still slaves using the llamas to get around and tow luggage for their owners."
Whether or not this elf is Dobby hasn't been confirmed, but there are a number of other easter eggs in the Harry Potter films.

A darker easter egg than seeing Dobby riding a llama is that when Dumbledore meets young Tom Riddle there a seven stones sitting on his windowsill.
This is foreshadowing Tom becoming Lord Voldemort and splitting his soul to create the seven horcruxes.
Funnier easter eggs include the ending credits of Goblet of Fire in which a statement can be read stating that: "No Dragons were harmed in the making of this movie."
Topics: Harry Potter, TV And Film