Don’t get us wrong, we love the wizarding world of Harry Potter – but we’re not blind to some of the more telling plot holes in the series.
And one fan has pointed out a major oversight that happened in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
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Taking to TikTok, a Potterhead going by the username @radicalcannoliqueen explained an issue she had when Harry is put on trial by the Ministry of Magic for performing a Patronus charm.
Harry whipped out his wand after Dementors came to attack him in his home in Surrey, and he needed to protect himself from the soul-stealing Dementor’s Kiss.
Because his muggle cousin, Dudley Dursley, witnesses Harry doing magic, Potter gets expelled and hauled in front of the courts.

While Albus Dumbledore comes to defend Harry while he’s on trial, he manages to get the fifth year student off the hook.
However, as @radicalcannoliqueen points out, why didn’t either Harry or Dumbledore just state the obvious?
“Why didn’t they say: ‘Oh? The muggle? Dudley Dursley? Harry’s cousin that he’s lived with his whole life?’” she asks. “And who already knows that Harry is a wizard and that magic exists?”
People were quick to agree in the comments that this was an oversight that had irked them when reading the books or watching the films.

“This, but also...Harry learned about pensieves the prior year! Why didn't he ask for one so he could show the court his memory?!” one person said.
“I’m sorry but how are y’all just coming to this realisation?” said a second. “This bugged me when I read it the first time.”
“Where’s the logic?” complained a third, and a fourth chipped in: “I always thought that.”
However, true Potterheads that it’s not Dudley that Harry is accused of performing magic in front of, it’s Arabella Figg – Harry’s neighbour, who is a Squib: someone from wizarding parents who has no magical abilities themselves, and are effectively muggles.

The ministry were also desperate to try and discredit Harry after the events of the Triwizard tournament, where he saw Voldemort rise again and kill Cedric Diggory.
The Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, did not want to admit Voldemort had returned, as was desperate to paint Harry as a liar and a fantasist.
Still…what gives Harry and Dumbledore not providing this as a defence?
Featured Image Credit: Warner BrosTopics: Harry Potter, TV And Film, TikTok