There were no signs that anything was wrong.
Bialik confessed to not giving her children medications or antibiotics back in 2014
He will definitely think twice before sending unwanted pictures again.
He publicly humiliated her at a family party.
Brittany Smith pleaded guilty to murder after her self defence appeal was rejected.
She was slammed by viewers who accused her of treating her child like a bird.
He got so riled up and accused her of cheating in exchange for a different Halloween costume
People had so much to say about it that the show trended on Twitter.
The story has divided social media commentators.
They were forced to live in a cold flat for two months.
The desperate farmer was hoping Australia Zoo could help her sick emu.
The mum realised that every child is different
People have been left 'shocked' and 'surprised' by the reality of early-stage pregnancy
Michelle saved a staggering amount of money, but it did take its toll on her clothing and hair
The worker who wore the mask has claimed it wasn't ill-intentioned.