Madonna has urged people to 'look how cute' she is after 'surgery' following confusion over her 'new face' at the Grammy Awards.
The iconic singer appeared at the event to introduce Kim Petras and Sam Smith, who received a lot of attention online afterwards for their devilish performance of 'Unholy'.
Petras and Smith weren't the only ones to spark conversation though, as throughout their whole performance some viewers just couldn't get over the way Madonna had looked at the event.
One fan went as far as to describe the person who introduced Petras and Smith as a 'Madonna imposter', while another described their efforts to 'ignore the fact that Madonna has a whole new face'.
Madonna, 64, addressed the criticism in a post on her Instagram Stories two days later, saying: "Instead of focusing on what I said in my speech which was about giving thanks for the fearlessness of artists like Sam and Kim- Many people chose to only talk about Close-up photos of me Taken with a long lens camera By a press photographer that Would distort anyone’s face!! [sic]”
The singer claimed she was 'caught in the glare of ageism and misogyny that permeates the world we live in', and argued the world does not 'celebrate women past the age of 45'.
“I have never apologized for any of the creative choices I have made nor the way that I look or dress and I’m not going to start,” she added.

“I have been degraded by the media since the beginning of my career but I understand that this is all a test and I am happy to do the trailblazing so that all the women behind me can have an easier time in the years to come. In the words of Beyonce ‘You-won’t break my soul.'”
Many fans rushed to defend Madonna in the wake of the events, with one fan writing on Twitter that they just missed seeing her 'beautiful face without all the unnecessary filler.'
Madonna hasn't commented on whether she has had filler, but she indicated yesterday (20 February) that she had undergone some sort of surgery.

She shared a photo of herself looking directly at the camera this time, with plaits in her hair and a cap reading 'spiritually hungry'.
Alongside the image, she wrote: "Look how cute i am now that swelling from surgery has gone down. Lol."
In 2012, Madonna said she is 'not against plastic surgery', but made clear she was not going to discuss it further.