Read the latest crime news and shocking real life stories from the UK and beyond.
Fans were shocked by the saucy message
The incident took place a few days before Christmas
The Texas woman was attacked by a boxer, pit bull mix and a German Shepherd mix
She shared the selfie to Instagram
Dee Dee Blanchard's killer Nicholas Godejohn remains in prison, whilst Gypsy Rose has been set free
The incident took place a few days before Christmas
Nicholas Godejohn carried out a sex act after murdering Dee Dee Blanchard
Gypsy Rose Blanchard regrets killing her mother in 2015
Gypsy Rose Blanchard plans to see Taylor Swift after being released from prison
Gypsy, then 24, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the second-degree murder of her abuse mother Dee Dee, 48
You'll want to keep a note of these...
The horrific incident was caught on CCTV cameras
'Girl X' and 'Boy Y' had planned the murder of transgender teenager Brianna for some time
The duo brutally murdered the transgender teenager back in February
The 2006 rom-com is said to have a behind-the-scenes murder plot
The transgender teenager was murdered in a park in Culcheth, Warrington in February last year
Ukrainian orphan Natalia Grace's adoptive father claimed she had attempted to kill him and his family
Natalia Grace is telling her side of the story in a chilling new documentary
The 29-year-old appeared at Croydon Magistrates' Court today
Jacob LaGrone is being charged with allegedly firing a gun at cops
Samantha Miller was killed in April
He's been suspended from duty
She was vomiting blood at the hospital
The unnamed man has since been released on bail