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Aubrey Plaza fans cannot believe her age as she celebrates milestone birthday

Aubrey Plaza fans cannot believe her age as she celebrates milestone birthday

Fans of the White Lotus star rushed to social media to share their shock

Aubrey Plaza is, I'm sure, a favourite actor to many of us.

Whether it was her iconic stint on Parks and Recreation alongside Amy Poehler, her brief but memorable appearance on Scott Pilgrim vs. the World with Michael Cera or, more recently, her incredible performance on White Lotus side-by-side with Theo James and Jennifer Coolidge - it's clear Plaza is definitely up there.

And while we may know heaps about the actor's impressive filmography - it's seems quite a few of us haven't a scooby on her age.

Aubrey Plaza's milestone birthday was on 26 June. (Instagram/@plazadeaubrey)
Aubrey Plaza's milestone birthday was on 26 June. (Instagram/@plazadeaubrey)

Her birthday was yesterday (26 June) and fans can't quite wrap their heads around the milestone birthday she's just celebrated.

Pop culture social media page, Pop Crave, posted on X yesterday (26 June): "Happy 40th birthday to the talented Aubrey Plaza."

And it's clear that dozens upon dozens of fans couldn't believe the actor had been about for four decades now.

One X user penned: "I literally thought she was 25," as a second praised: "What.... Aubrey looks like she's in her Early 30s if not late 20s... she looks good."

"She looks 20," declared a third while a fourth echoed: "Doesn't look a day over 20!"

And a final X user added: "She looks so young!"

The White Lotus star turned 40 yesterday (26 June). (HBO)
The White Lotus star turned 40 yesterday (26 June). (HBO)

Talking of celebs who look younger than their years, Vera Wang once credited wo unusual items in her diet for her ageless looks as she turns 75 today (27 June).

Surprisingly, the fashionista admitted she's partial to a couple of things that few of us are strangers to: some fast food and a cocktail.

Speaking to Page Six Style a while back, Wang revealed: "I do eat McDonald’s, absolutely. I order it every day, like two weeks on it, and then I’ll change."

But it's seemingly not just Maccies, as Wang said she also gets a hankering for Dunkin’ Donuts.

"I like the cream-filled, sugar-coated donut," she shared. "It’s like a jelly donut, but it’s cream inside, vanilla cream. I like the pink with sprinkles, too."

Of course, it’s not all Big Macs and donuts for Wang, as she has previously explained that working hard also help keep her youthful.

75 never looked so good! (Instagram/@verawang)
75 never looked so good! (Instagram/@verawang)

The New York-born businesswoman revealed she has never thought of 'going way out of [her] way' to 'preserve youth in a fanatical, obsessive way'.

"It's very complimentary and I am very grateful for that," she told BBC 100 Women last year.

But, I have been asked; what are my 'secrets'.

"I've been in fashion since I was 19 years old. Not in front of the camera, behind it. I never thought about youth, probably because I work with the most beautiful women in the world on a daily basis.

"And because of that I more envision them as my muses, and maybe it's a way of dealing with ageing that is productive."


Featured Image Credit: Amanda Edwards/Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Topics: Celebrity, Beauty, Health