Cameron Diaz has urged couples to switch up their sleeping arrangements, after she revealed she's absolutely 'fine' following the controversial bedroom split.
Sharing a bed with a significant other can cause all sorts of problems - but it kind of feels like a relationship expectation?!
Waking up to their alarm much earlier than you needed to be aware it was the next day, fighting for your right to half of the duvet, don't even get me started on snoring...
I am drawing up the plans for a new bedroom as we speak.
But it seems as though Cameron Diaz shares the senitment.

She has a solution for those bedroom obstacles, and that is in the form of a ‘sleep divorce’.
Whilst it sounds a bit brutal, some couples say it has actually changed their relationship for the better.
A sleep divorce is basically when couples choose to have individual sleeping arrangements - so that consists of different beds, sleep times, or in some cases, even completely separate rooms.
According to research conducted last year by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), a whopping 29 percent of US residents are opting to sleep separately from their partners.

The Shrek and Charlie’s Angels star has since urged people in relationships to give the revolutionary sleeping arrangements a try.
“We should normalise separate bedrooms,” she said during an appearance on Molly Sims' Lipstick on the Rim podcast last year.
“To me, I would literally, I have my house, you have yours. We have the family house in the middle. I will go and sleep in my room.
“You go sleep in your room. I'm fine.”
Whilst she might have a point, there are currently no studies to suggest that having a ‘sleep divorce’ is any better for your quality of sleep.
In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, sleeping next to your other half can improve the quality of your sleep, intimacy levels, and also your mental health.
However, conflicting advice suggests you always get a better night sleep by yourself, so it's a topic constantly up for debate.
The romantic in me still quite likes the idea of sleeping in the same bed as your partner, but if it stops duvet hogging and earth shattering snoring, maybe it's worth it!
Topics: Sleep, Life Hacks, Advice, Sex and Relationships, Celebrity