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One major difference between Lady Whistledown’s identity in the book versus Netflix series

One major difference between Lady Whistledown’s identity in the book versus Netflix series

The two adaptations have some pretty major differences between them

Dearest gentle readers: This article contains spoilers for Bridgerton

It's now officially been one whole week since the second part of the third season of Bridgerton finally hit our screens, and it's fair to say we devoured all four episodes in nearly no time at all.

Now, we were treated to a handful of steamy sex scenes, stunning costumes and all the Polin content we could have ever wished for, but one of the biggest revelations was all about the oh-so elusive Lady Whistledown.

And the latest Bridgerton buzz sees fans clocking onto one major difference between the once-anonymous gossip column writer's identity in the book versus the beloved Netflix series.

At the end of season three, Penelope - played by Nicola Coughlan - eventually revealed to her husband her true identity as Lady Whistledown, after fans had been speculating whether or not she'd actually spill all to him or keep it a secret.

Of course, she had managed to get away with it for so long as she was largely ignored by other members of the 'ton.

Now, the third season is based on author Julia Quinn's fourth Bridgerton book, Romancing Mister Bridgerton and it's clear there's one pretty major difference between the series and the novel.

Penelope revealed herself as Lady Whistledown in the final episode of season three. (Netflix)
Penelope revealed herself as Lady Whistledown in the final episode of season three. (Netflix)

So, the book is set a whole decade after the stars of the previous - Simone Ashley who played Kate Sharma and Jonathan Bailey who stars as Anthony Bridgerton - tied the knot in 1824.

Also, at this point in the series, absolutely no one (including the reader) knows that Pen is actually Lady Whistledown - something that only came to light until about halfway through the fourth book.

However, as we all know, Netflix viewers were privy to the biggest Regency-era secret way back when in the first season.

Pen was 19 in the series but 28 in the book. (Netflix)
Pen was 19 in the series but 28 in the book. (Netflix)

Still, it was exciting to see the story dramatically play out in the very last moments of season three, with the gossip writer finishing up her last monologue as the narration voice fades out from Julie Andrews' to Nicola's as

she signs off the gossip column with 'Penelope Bridgerton' rather than the original pseudonym Lady Whistledown.

Another significant difference those who read the book will know is that, in the series, Pen is just 19-year-old, yet she's nearly a decade older in the book at 28.

Well, regardless of the differences, it's clear we're all beyond buzzing for season four to finally grace our screens in 2026!

Bridgerton season three is currently available to stream on Netflix.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, TV And Film, Bridgerton, Period Drama, Books