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'Chilling' Jodie Comer disaster drama has just been added to Netflix

'Chilling' Jodie Comer disaster drama has just been added to Netflix

The gripping Jodie Comer survival epic has been nominated for numerous awards

Netflix has given us the goods once again - this time adding a thrilling survival film to its extensive catalogue.

And you're guaranteed to be on the edge of your seat when settling down to watch this gripping 2023 film that boasts a lot of A-list talent.

Starring Killing Eve's Jodie Comer alongside Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch and Joel Fry, the 2023 film has been nominated for several awards including Best Lead Performance for Comer.

Jodie Comer and Joel Fry star in the 2023 film. (Netflix)
Jodie Comer and Joel Fry star in the 2023 film. (Netflix)

The film is adapted from a novel of the same name, written by Megan Hunter.

Directed by Mahalia Belo, the survival epic follows the relationship of Woman (Comer) and her husband R (Fry), who are forced to flee after London is flooded due to protracted storms and heavy rain just as Woman goes into labour.

A country-wide crisis is triggered and there aren't enough food resources and safe accommodation to keep the people who've been displaced by terrifying ecological disaster safe.

If you're yet to feast your eyes on this gem, it's called The End We Start From.

Watch the trailer here:

People are not given names in the script, instead given initials (or in Comer's case, 'Woman').

R's mother G is trampled to death while trying to receive food aid, while R's father N dies by suicide.

His son, R, is deeply traumatised and ends up getting separated from Woman and their newborn son.

Woman attempts to keep herself and her son safe at a shelter which is later under attack - and so they flee and end up at a commune full of people that Woman struggles to understand.

What follows is a tale of desperation and an attempt to survive, as well as Woman desperately searching to be reunited with R.

The film has been met with critical acclaim.

Jodie Comer shares scenes with Benedict Cumberbatch. (Netflix)
Jodie Comer shares scenes with Benedict Cumberbatch. (Netflix)

Chris Wasser noted for the Sunday Independent that The End We Start From 'works as both a chilling cli-fi disaster tale and a heavy-handed metaphor for the extraordinary pressures of motherhood'.

While Stefan Kyriazis praised Comer's performance, writing for the Daily Express: "In the eye of the storm is Comer, delivering one gut-punch of raw emotion after another, often without uttering a word. She is truly a force of nature."

And viewers loved it, too.

One person wrote: "A beautifully shot film, showing the incredible strength of bond between mothers and their children. "

Another added: "#TheEndWeStartFrom which was really good and more proof of Jodie Comer being one of the absolute greatest."

The End We Start From is available to stream on Netflix.

Featured Image Credit: Amazon Prime

Topics: Jodie Comer, Netflix, TV And Film, Tyla Recommends