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Viewers obsessed with 'completely unbelievable' Australian crime drama you can binge watch for free

Viewers obsessed with 'completely unbelievable' Australian crime drama you can binge watch for free

The ITVX series landed last month and stars Marta Dusseldorp

Crime-drama fans have had their pick when it comes to new additions to our TV screens in recent weeks.

Netflix is lucky enough to boast the likes of star-studded 'dark' thriller Eric, which viewers claim they 'can't stop watching', and 'excellent murder mystery' La Forêt as part of its roster.

And when it comes to UK television streamers, ITV subscribers have spent the week begging for second season of 'addictive' thriller spin-off series Orphan Black: Echoes, while Paramount+ viewers have been treated to a nail-biting new Vicky McClure hit Insomnia.

This week, however, telly-lovers claim they've been left 'obsessed' with a newly-discovered yet wildly-addictive 2023 Aussie crime-drama, which they say gives all other thrillers a run for their money.

The series has gone down a hit with viewers. (ABC)
The series has gone down a hit with viewers. (ABC)

Titled Bay of Fires, the dark-comedy first aired Down Under last summer, but only began streaming in the UK on ITVX on 23 May.

If we haven't yet convinced you to go into the show blind - where you'll undoubtedly suffer whiplash as a result of the head-spinning plot twists. Allow us to fill you in on the show's riveting premise...

The eight-parter tells the story of Stella (played by Marta Dusseldorp), who - with her two children - is placed in witness protection in the fictitious Mystery Bay after being pursued by hitmen.

While the majority of the island's residents are suspicious over Stella's arrival, others are more criminally-inclined, making her wonder whether she's any safer there than she was at home.

And though it might have only been available for British TV fanatics to view for a matter of days, it seems to have gone down a treat already.

Leaving a Google review, one viewer penned: "It’s hammy, black, completely unbelievable and I’m lovin it - there’s been some duller moments but Kerry Fox as Frankie is excruciatingly good as the local crime lord.

"Two episodes to go and the climax is gonna be a killer, for sure. Pay back can be satisfying with a guilt free body count!"

The eight-parter is available to watch. (ABC)
The eight-parter is available to watch. (ABC)

Another went on: "What an awesome series. If you love dark comedy then this series is a must watch. Yes there’s violence but it’s a spoof. Characters are brilliantly drawn. Script is terribly clever.

"To be honest I wasn’t sure about it the first week but as the weeks went on and I ‘got it’, I couldn’t wait to see where the writers would go with this.

"I’ve recommended it to so many friends. Can’t wait for the next series. Brilliant, laugh out loud!"

A third added: "Bay of Fires! Fantastic! Intriguing, funny, totally engaging. Every character seems so well cast and comfortable in their role.

"Don't believe the naysayers who only seem to want predictable cliche scripts. Marta is a brilliant actor, fabulous in this role. Can't wait for each episode, hope it continues as a series for years."

Featured Image Credit: ABC

Topics: TV And Film, ITV