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Fans are still desperate for more seasons of ‘amazing’ period drama 10 years after it started production

Fans are still desperate for more seasons of ‘amazing’ period drama 10 years after it started production

The BBC series starred Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson and ended in 2019

Sometimes it just seems impossible to let things go, and when it comes to great TV shows that left us on a cliffhanger, that's definitely the case.

Now that we've had some hope that The Society, the Australian 10-part mystery drama that debuted in 2019 might be revived five years after the soul-destroying cliffhanger, we're extending that hope elsewhere.

Fans are crying out for another series of the historical romance drama that entered production a decade ago.

Don't ask, don't get though, eh?

Eleanor Tomlinson starred in the period drama (BBC)
Eleanor Tomlinson starred in the period drama (BBC)

The TV series based on a series of novels by Winston Graham and was on our screens for a whopping five seasons between 2015-2019 and received widespread critical acclaim from both viewers and critics.

BBC series Poldark stars Aidan Turner as Captain Ross Vennor Poldark who had returned from the American War of Independence to his hometown in Cornwall after three years of service in the army.

Upon returning, Poldark discovers things have changed dramatically since he left.

His father is dead, he has been landed in considerable debt and the woman he fell in love with in childhood, Elizabeth, is engaged to Francis, his cousin.

The series then follows Poldark as he navigates his newfound life while balancing love, loss and the effects of war.

The plot takes place between 1781 and 1801.

The BBC series stars Aidan Turner. (BBC)
The BBC series stars Aidan Turner. (BBC)

A critic wrote for the Oregonian: "Poldark is juicy, romantic, melodramatic storytelling at its most enjoyable."

The Washington Post remarked it is the 'perfect summer sorbet'.

Despite ending in 2019 with no plans for a revival, that hasn't stopped fans from pleading for a final taste.

Production company Mammoth tweeted: "It's been 10 years since we first started production on Poldark! You can go back to the beginning too and watch all 5 series on BBC iPlayer. "

And then came the fans.

The Poldark book series is 12 novels long, while the TV adaptation covers the first seven. (BBC)
The Poldark book series is 12 novels long, while the TV adaptation covers the first seven. (BBC)

One person wrote: "Please, please can we have a few more seasons of this incredible series?"

Another said: "Bring it back right now before I lose my temper!"

A third added: "Poldark is such an amazing and underrated series."

It has been noticed that while author Graham's Poldark book series is 12 novels long, the TV adaptation covers the first seven. So there is without a doubt more ground to cover...

Following the announcement of the final season, Karen Thrussell, executive producer for Mammoth, said: "This will be the last series in the Poldark chronicle... for now. Who knows what the future may bring.”

We'll keep our fingers firmly crossed!

Poldark is available to stream on BBC iPlayer.

Featured Image Credit: BBC

Topics: BBC, TV And Film, Period Drama