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Netflix viewers begging for season two of 'excellent' murder mystery that's underrated 'gem'

Netflix viewers begging for season two of 'excellent' murder mystery that's underrated 'gem'

Many people are desperate for a second season, with the first holding an impressive 92 percent on Rotten Tomatoes

None of us can get enough a good old murder mystery at the moment, especially now that the streaming era means we can binge through entire seasons in no time, ready to move onto the next.

Of course, with all this freedom comes the downside that we run out of stuff much more quickly than we used to, meaning it’s a bit of a double-edged sword.

After all, we can’t surely be expected to wait to find out who the killer was, when instead we could stay up until 3am on a work night to get to the final episode...

That means we often have to look back through the Netflix archives to see if there’s anything we’ve missed, even if it’s a couple of years old.

That’s exactly what others have been doing, and there’s one show they’ve uncovered that they reckon is an underrated ‘gem’.

Viewers say it's an absolute 'gem'. (Netflix)
Viewers say it's an absolute 'gem'. (Netflix)

The French crime drama initially debuted in Belgium in 2017, but was released globally on Netflix the following year.

Named La Forêt - or The Forest, if your French isn’t quite up to scratch - it follows a small village near the Ardennes Forest in northeastern France after a teenage girl goes missing, in turn uncovering a web of unsettling secrets as police race to find out what happened to her.

And while it’s no newbie on the scene, it seems many Netflix viewers have only just discovered its incredible plot twists.

Just four days ago, one fan tweeted: “THE FOREST. This series on Netflix is a must watch. Not every minute, but every second makes you jump up and down. Tension, murder, curiosity, excitement, action, whatever you are looking for is there.”

Last month, another said: “The Forest on Netflix guys so good.”

Others have also been sharing their thoughts via Google Reviews in recent months, with one saying it was ‘extremely well made’ and ‘one of the better series’ they had seen in some time, adding: “The acting is very good and story has enough twists to keep one guessing and holds interest all the way through.”

Someone else described it as a ‘little gem’, while another said you won’t mind about reading subtitles for the ‘excellent’ show as the story is so ‘well written and told’.

Other people have also called for another instalment of the series, with the first holding an impressive 92 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

“The show is satisfying in the extreme,” one began, adding: “I have watched the first season twice and wish there were more seasons.”

Another agreed: “Loved it... Good murder mystery [...] Hope they make more seasons with another mystery, same people.”

The Forest is available to stream on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, Thriller, TV And Film, Tyla Recommends