A woman who was plagued by endless farting decided to go and see a chiropractor in the hopes that having her bones cracked could help her.
TLC show Crack Addicts follows the medical methods of Dr Alessandra Colón and the many myriad people she treats by cracking their bones.
The show revolves around her healing people through the medium of chiropractic medicine and one day a woman named Brenda showed up hoping for some help with her ceaseless flatulence.

Dr Colón got to work helping Brenda out and discovered that the woman's pelvis was an inch higher on one side and had internally rotated.
It turns out that having one's pelvis out of alignment can lead to a risk of a pinched nerve which might impede signals being sent around the digestive system and cause excessive farting.
Since Crack Addicts is a show all about cracking people's bones I think you can guess what happened next, with Dr Colón getting Brenda to lie down and have her bones cracked.
The doc worked her way down Brenda's body, starting with her neck which went with an audible noise.
Apparently having your neck cracked is more fun than it both looks and sounds as the woman immediately shouted that it 'was the best thing ever'.
The work continued until Dr Colón headed further down and caught a fart in her face from Brenda, which on a case like this must be an occupational hazard.
Brenda apologised for letting one go into the doctor's face, but when you're the woman who can't stop farting this sort of response is probably going to be expected.
Fortunately the doc took it in good humour, pinching her nose but laughing all the while because let's face it, a well timed fart can be very funny.

Passing wind is just one of those things everybody has to do from time to time from the largest lout to the daintiest soul, when you pass someone on the street you can be safe in the knowledge that at some point in their lives they let rip with an absolutely massive fart.
There's no point pretending it doesn't happen and it can be pretty funny anyway, even if it can come at entirely the wrong moment sometimes.
They say it's better out than in and often that's the case, you don't want to suffer the fate of the woman who held in her farts and had to be put in a wheelchair for it.
However, some farts have backfired (stop laughing) horribly, as one woman farted and ended up having her womb fall out of her vagina because of it.
Topics: TV And Film, Health