Mould is a common sight in bathrooms, much to our dismay, and regardless of how hard we try to scrub it away, it never seems to vanish.
Moist and humid bathrooms are the perfect place for mould spores to grow and thrive. Luckily for us a TikToker has revealed an incredibly easy way to clean a mould stain.
Watch the video below:
The solution only uses two simple products that you probably already have at home. And by following the method in the video, the mould stain should be gone after only 20-60 minutes.
We need to try this ASAP.
One TikTok commenter shared: "This really WORKS".
And a second person wrote: "I did last night and it worked!"

While a third user warned: "it does work, but comes back a few weeks later. doesn't cure the issue."
Other TikTok users said they would avoid using bleach to clean mould because it may come back after you cleaned it.
Products like bleach can be used to clean mould on bathroom tiles and tubs and any other nonporous surfaces. If you have mould on a porous surface, such as wood or drywall, bleach will not kill the spores which will continue to grow under the surface.

It’s important to remember to protect your skin and eyes when using bleach. An alternative to cleaning up mould in the bathroom includes undiluted white vinegar or a mixture of baking soda and water.
To prevent mould from building up on your bathroom tiles, the number one tip is to try and keep surfaces dry and ventilated – which can be quite difficult in the bathroom.
To do this make it part of your routine to dry the nooks and crannies that trap water in the bathroom.
There are also sprays dedicated to cleaning mould which can be purchased at most supermarkets.
But when it comes to a quick fix, this cleaning hack is ideal.