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People are losing their minds after opening their advent calendar to controversial chocolate for third day in a row

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People are losing their minds after opening their advent calendar to controversial chocolate for third day in a row

The countdown to Christmas has almost been ruined for some

The countdown to Christmas is well and truly on, and like most mature adults, we're marking the days by eating a little chocolate out of our advent calendars each day.

One of the most exciting parts of the festive season is receiving a cheeky advent calendar, usually one that it's obvious we'll enjoy - think your favourite chocolate brand, for example.

Advent calendars range from the more basic Cadbury's ones to the more elaborate choices, such as Lindt.

Either way, it's all chocolate, so there's nothing to moan about... right?

Recipients of this year's Celebrations advent calendar would completely disagree, having been left fuming by what they received for the first three days of the month.

Behind each door wasn't a Mars bar, or a Milky Way, or even a Snickers.

The controversial calendar (X/@92MJT)
The controversial calendar (X/@92MJT)

For three days in a row, consumers were faced with a Bounty.

People have taken to social media to bemoan Celebrations and share their disbelief, some going so far as to suggest Christmas is ruined.

One person wrote: "Anyone else got the Celebrations advert calendar? The first 3 days of mine have been bounty which I don’t mind a bounty but this is ridiculous."

Another said: "The celebrations advent calendar having bounty as day 1 and day 2 is a crime."

A third added: "The guy that made the Celebrations advent calendar is pure evil. Imagine the faces of kids for THREE DAYS seeing nothing except Bounty behind the door. Imagine the trepidation opening today's. Imagine the fear for the rest of Advent waiting for the next Evil choc to appear."

But it seems many others, namely those who didn't receive a Celebrations advent calendar this year, find it simply hilarious.

"I don’t even have a celebrations advent calendar but I’ve seen so much on social media about the first 3 days in a row being a bounty. They knew exactly what they were doing, its marketing genius really," one person tweeted, with a crying laughing emoji.

Another added: "I know the person who created the celebrations advent calendar was laughing their a** off putting a bounty in day 1,2 & 3."

A third simply said: "There is nothing that i wanted more than for day four of the celebrations advent calendar to also be a bounty purely for the rage that it would have caused."

People may finally be able to lower their blood pressures as of today, as I've got it on good authority that lurking behind door number four was in fact a beloved Galaxy.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@ukcelebrations/X/@jamesdnmnn

Topics: UK News, Christmas, Food and Drink