People online are losing their minds after discovering what the much-used acronym 'RSVP' actually means, and some of the responses are hilarious.
Life is full of fun little acronyms we use in our everyday life, but have actually no idea where they come from - and sometimes not even what they mean.
Obviously, some are more self-explanatory than others; 'BRB' meaning 'be right back', 'LOL', 'laugh out loud' and 'ASAP' being 'as soon as possible'.
Others, however, like 'IIRC' meaning 'if I recall correctly', which I can honestly say I have never used in my life, might need a bit of spelling out for us.
If you've ever been formally invited to an event like a wedding or a fancy function, then you'll be familiar with the term 'RSVP'.
It's put at the end of invitations so that the organiser of said event can get a good idea of who is going to show up. If it's a yes from you, then make sure you RSVP - it makes it so much easier for the bride.

As you're casually sending off your RSVP and getting all excited for the upcoming event, have you ever stopped to ask yourself what it actually stands for?
No? Well, neither had most of the internet, that was until one Twitter user clearly went and did their research and couldn't believe what they'd discovered.
Posting to Musk's platform, they tweeted: "The fact that RSVP stands for réspondez s'il vous plaît... like that's actually so true. Please respond."
Yep, just another thing we've co-opted from the French and passed off as our own for all these years.
It's safe to say that people were absolutely mind-blown after making the discovery and couldn't help but share their feelings.
One wrote: "I just realized I've never questioned this acronym. I've just accepted it my whole life. I feel sick," followed by the green face vomit emoji.
Another clearly shocked user wrote: "Wait, it’s not Reserved Persons????"
While a third admitted: "Never bothered to know the meaning of that and this is how I find out lol."

A fourth simply put: "I was today years old," as another added, "It's an abbreviation in French? I had no idea lol."
Neither did I, my friend, neither did I.
A final user hilariously said: "Rsvp sounds fancy but it’s literally just a french guy panicking in your inbox."
However, don't start thinking you can rock up to Paris and come across all fancy pants now they've learned a new bit of the lingo as, funnily enough, the French no longer use the acronym anymore as it's deemed 'old-fashioned'.
It might be time to redownload Duolingo if you actually want to impress a French person on your next trip.