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Dad furious after being told he ‘doesn’t have authority’ to change son's date of birth

Dad furious after being told he ‘doesn’t have authority’ to change son's date of birth

He took to Reddit to ask if he had acted wrongly

A new father received a backlash after trying to change the time of his child's birth.

Many people look forward to their birthday each year but one tot very nearly had a whole different one fabricated shortly after they were born.

Their dad had been at the hospital waiting when his child was born and went to fill out the paperwork with one of the nurses. However, things did not go as smoothly as they might have done when he came out with an unusual request.

The dad took to Reddit to ask what people thought.

This did not go down well with staff at the hospital. The situation even saw a paediatrician intervene and allegedly raise their voice in an attempt to tell the new father that his request was not possible.

Taking to the Reddit forum Am I the A**hole, the new dad explained that 2020 had been a very difficult year for him. It had seen him lose his father and a close friend and, to make matters worse, he had also lost his job, saying he wished the year had 'never happened'.

Despite all this, it seemed the year had ended on a high, as his partner gave birth to his child at 11.05pm on New Year's Eve.

But the new dad was so determined to avoid association with that year that he requested the time of birth be recorded at 12.05am instead of 11.05pm. This would have meant his child would be recorded as being born just five minutes into 2021 instead of in the last hour of 2020.

He asked to change his child's date of birth.
Design Pics / Alamy

He recounted his conversation with medics about the request, saying: "I argued with her about it and told her that she was making a huge deal out of it. And that this was unfair to my son because he only lived in 2020 for just one hour.

"Plus 2020 was a s***ty year, I'm glad it's finally over and I don't want my son to be associated with it. So adding 2021 would make more sense. After she tried to argue with me telling me that what I was doing is considered forgery and would cause a huge issue because it's not just an hour, I was changing the date as well.

"I told her that I'm his dad so I get a say and take full responsibility for anything that happens later. She lashed out at me and told me that 'this is not how it works' and that this form will not be accepted because it contained false information.

"They ended up taking the form and didn't let me fill it out. My wife said that I embarrassed her by making a scene and acting stupid and lashing out."

Redditors on the forum proved equally unimpressed.

One pointed out that he didn't have authority over 'space and time', arguing that the time of birth is a 'fact, not an opinion'.

However, one person suggested he take a different view of the situation, saying: "A bunch of terrible things happened to you in 2020, but one good thing also happened. Your son was conceived and born in 2020."

What do you think?

Featured Image Credit: Pamela Au / Design Pics / Alamy

Topics: Parenting, News, Health, Reddit