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People who gave up alcohol agree on ‘biggest positive change’ that happened in their lives when they stopped drinking

People who gave up alcohol agree on ‘biggest positive change’ that happened in their lives when they stopped drinking

One person was 'astonished' by the changes, despite being 'early in sobriety'

People who have given up alcohol have agreed on the 'biggest positive change' they noticed in their lives since becoming sober.

Have you ever wondered what a life without alcohol would really look like? Could we really live without that glass of wine on a Friday night to cool off after a stressful week? Or do you think you could manage a wedding or work party without copious glasses of prosecco?

All thought-provoking questions, I know.

Alcohol contributes a lot to our social lives, occasions, and often weekend plans, but some people have made the decision to ditch the booze for good.

There are more than just the obvious benefits that come with quitting booze (Getty Stock Images)
There are more than just the obvious benefits that come with quitting booze (Getty Stock Images)

Of course, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that our bodies would probably be a little bit better-off if we put down the prosecco and picked up the orange juice!

But people choosing sobriety have noted some 'insane' changes to their lives that they could have never predicted.

Taking to Reddit, some shared their experiences of massively positive changes since choosing a life without the liquid courage.

'I trust myself now'

There's no worse feeling that waking up with hangxiety, not remembering any of your actions post-11pm.

One user said they enjoyed 'not having to worry about what I did or said the previous night'.

Another teetotaler admitted that they were actually a lot more productive since leaving alcohol behind them.

They said: "I can trust myself now. I can actually commit to things and finish them. No more grand ideas that never get off the ground.

"If I really want to do it, now I can."

Some realised how much time in their life they have spent hungover. (Getty stock images)
Some realised how much time in their life they have spent hungover. (Getty stock images)

Losing weight

People have noted just how many calories some alcoholic drinks contain, and how much healthier they have felt since sacking them off.

One said they experienced 'instant weight loss'

"Roughly 1000 calories less a day consumed makes a huge difference."

And another added: "I lost some weight and I got a lot of self-confidence and self-love back which I honestly did not expect."

Time to do more activities at the weekend

One person noted how much of their life they have wasted nursing a hangover. And when you really think about it, it's quite frightening.

They said: "The amount of time I've given myself back, especially on the weekends. It's hard to overstate how much time is wasted in life being hungover.

"Even if you wake up at 10 and head to the living room, we all know those days are not productive, and you're lucky if they're enjoyable.

"You feel like s**t, and you just never get the day truly rolling like you do when you wake up at 8am on a Saturday."

Sleep improvement

But by far the biggest benefit that an be taken from people's admissions is the quality of their sleep.

One person confessed: "I had forgotten what real sleep was. It was always drunk or hungover/anxiety sleep."

And another said: "I actually look forward to going to sleep tonight, instead of looking forward to the kids being in bed so I can drink."

One user even described their sleep following sobriety as 'exquisite' and as 'Mother Nature intended'.

Please drink responsibly. If you want to discuss any issues relating to alcohol in confidence, contact Drinkline on 0300 123 1110, 9am–8pm weekdays and 11am–4pm weekends for advice and support.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Alcohol, Food and Drink, Health, Reddit