Students and staff at a school in Cumbria are paying their respects to a passionate teacher who passed away suddenly at the age of 26.
Rachel Morgan began working at Kells Infant School in Whitehaven in January last year, having previously worked in other local schools.
She was described as being 'passionate' about her work as well as being 'thoughtful and kind', and appeared to live a healthy lifestyle as a gymgoer and runner.

Her colleagues and students were left shocked when she died suddenly, with the Kells Infant School planning to close on Friday 27 January to allow staff to attend a funeral service for Rachel.
The cause of Rachel's death has not yet been disclosed.
Wendy Figes, acting head teacher at Kells, paid tribute to the late staff member as she noted she had 'touched a large number of young lives'.
She said: "Whilst at Kells Infants school she oversaw the development and improvement of writing across the curriculum and also led Computing through school.
"She had a particular interest in mental health and wellbeing and ran after-school clubs supporting this, including, mindfulness and yoga."
"Rachel had a passion for health and fitness and was a keen member of her local gym, but also joined colleagues on local jogs after school on a weekly basis.
"This helped her meet her personal goal of achieving 10,000 steps as a minimum every day, a feat she maintained for 600 consecutive days."

Figes continued: "Rachel was passionate about children and enjoyed being with them. She had a calm, quiet manner and made everyone feel at ease in her presence.
"She was thoughtful and kind. Rachel’s love for the community she served really shone through and it will be this loving heart we will miss the most.
"Losing Rachel has left a huge hole in our school community but our deepest sympathies are with her family and friends in their time of grief."
Those close to Rachel have set up an online memory board to allow family, friends, colleagues and loved ones to post tributes and comments about the 26-year-old for others to read.
A statement on the Kells Infant School website thanks members of the public for the 'kind words and messages following the unexpected and tragic death of [...] Year 1 teacher Miss Rachel Morgan'.
Following Rachel's funeral on Friday, the primary school is set to re-open as usual on Monday (30 January).